What are the benefits of putting PA on over say, CM10.1?
Will root it this afternoon, whack a rom on and probably Franco; am I going to see the effects immediately regarding battery life?
why don't you read the threads on xda and find out? every rom has its own advantages and disadvantages, or why not read through this thread, it has been answered several times before, even in the last 24 hours.
my next question was is it worth underclocking the cpu to improve battery life now i am rooted?
couldnt see any options in the pa rom
woohoo just seen the louder nexus hack and installed that
underclocking is like basically a placebo effect on battery life, sure it lasts longer, but it also takes longer to do the same tasks, the most power hungry part of the phone is the screen, so if it is taking longer, the screen stays on for longer, consuming more battery,
imo underclocking or overclocking is not needed for this phone. the phone does get hot, so might be worth underclocking the top end slightly to avoid throttling, etc, but i do not think it is worth messing around with.
i tried out the louder hack, and tbh it isn't stable, sometimes i would receive a call and i could not hear them and they could not hear me, even when i reverted the mod, it still happened, had to re-install PA to fix it. i would stay away from the louder mod and also the increase camera quality mod (increases file sizes) based on my own experience and posts on xda.
the only mods i think you should do for this phone are:
custom roms
custom kernels
nothing else seems to be worth it or not fully working or stable enough, all the smaller mods like louder nexus, if they truly were good, they would be implemented by a custom rom developer, there is a reason why the rom developers have chosen not to do them