Wacked on franco r53
Just had a nap for hour myself to wake up and again see my Android top of the OS; hovering between 50-60%. BBS shows it's suspend_backoff now being the main culprit?
Eurgh this is going to drive me insane.
Done that just now; Android OS now around 35% or so. Android system 18%
I'm really baffled by this now!
Only apps I have are the preinstalled Google ones, Whatsapp Twitter, Facebook, Instagram NHL Gamecenter and Netflix. Push notifications are one for most of them but all the Google syncs are off.
Is it the screen going on and off or is your phone continually restarting itself?
If the latter, the device is bootlooping.
Did you install a custom ROM? If so, did you wipe the dalvik cache beforehand? This is easily wiped in recovery (CWM or TWRP) and is highly recommended before switching ROMs.
Some other good information here
Left on overnight on full charge, (with wifi off for most of it) and I still think I'm getting issues.
Also an hour and a half later and the phone has turned itself off completely; turn it back on and it's at 75% without me having done anything since I went back to sleep. Any help? Might just wack PA on it.