Lowest brightness possible. Always on WiFi, I live onsite at school with a 50mb business line connection.
82%, just over an hours screen time. Screen at 48%.
the phone is known for having poor battery life. the max to expect with screen on is 4-6 hours, therefore 82% with over an hour screen time sounds exactly right.
there is nothing wrong with the phone or the kernel, it is performing normally.
change it to auto and leave the phone alone now, see if you get a days usage out of it tomorrow using the phone normally (no abnormal amount of screen time)
anyone know another tutorial link on how to flash paranoid android?
so far Ive only managed to root and unlock the bootloader
the guides ive been reading is making me even more confused
25% drained overnight. Something clearly isn't right.
Watch this step by step guide
I followed it when i was in the same boat as you
25% drained overnight. Something clearly isn't right.
As I've said already, I've done that and everytime it's coming back to msm_hsic_host. See this morning's stats from 10 minutes ago.
Apps I have installed: all the preloaded ones/ones that come with it being rooted, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, NHL Gamecenter, Netflix, XDA, Wifi Analyzer, Rom Manager, BetterBatteryStafs, franco.kernal.updater,
I'm seriously tempted to send this back already, I shouldn't be getting such awful results from a £280 phone. Even my Lumia 710 wasn't this bad!
As I've said already, I've done that and everytime it's coming back to msm_hsic_host. See this morning's stats from 10 minutes ago.
Apps I have installed: all the preloaded ones/ones that come with it being rooted, franco.kernal.updater,
I'm seriously tempted to send this back already, I shouldn't be getting such awful results from a £280 phone. Even my Lumia 710 wasn't this bad!
right I have a small issue which isn't at all related to the nexus but... I just realised I've gotten into the habit of imessaging my daughter as I got her an ipod touch for her birthday at around the same time I went back to an iPhone.
So now if I use the Nexus I'll be severing that tie which I'd prefer to avoid.
Are there any decent cross platform messaging apps we could use? I thought about whatsapp but it seems to need a phone number which clearly iPod touches don't have?
Anything else?