***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Put Franco kernel on this afternoon. Cleared the Dalvaik cache and 'regular' cache, before charging to full to see how well it's been affected. Still in the honeymoon phase with this phone, so I've been messing around with it most of the day, browsing a bit of Play Store and such, and it's currently sitting at 58% left, 4h16m on battery with 2hrs screen time. That's pretty fantastic really.

Well, an update to this, I ended up having 16hrs with about 4hr screen time before it got to about 6%. However, I realised that I had GPS on the entire time, so I'm sure if I disabled that, battery would be even better.

But either way, I'm happy with that battery life.
Forget the Franco kernel. Flash faux and report back


Important, coming from the franco kernel you need to flash the reset kernel first.

I want to flash this, I'm on Xylon ROM using franco kernel currently. I've read this on the xda thread:


JellyBean 4.2.x Reset kernel for STOCK ROMs ONLY (Cyanogenmod, simply reflash nightly again to reset)

Do you know what I need to do to flash this? I've tried flashing the reset kernel but it won't let me (because I'm not on stock ROM)
I want to flash this, I'm on Xylon ROM using franco kernel currently. I've read this on the xda thread:


JellyBean 4.2.x Reset kernel for STOCK ROMs ONLY (Cyanogenmod, simply reflash nightly again to reset)

Do you know what I need to do to flash this? I've tried flashing the reset kernel but it won't let me (because I'm not on stock ROM)

The reset kernel should work for Xlyon as that's based AOKP.

Boot into recovery flash reset kernel then immediately flash faux kernel.

If that reset kernel doesn't work, try this one
Since putting on Faux my phone has shut down twice today with no notice. Any ideas?

Look I'm not trying to sound harsh here but start doing your own research on XDA devs and google. Search and read up on problems, see how other poeple have looked at solving them, look for guides on improving battery life and sorting the wake locks.

We are not all knowers of every problem and permutation, these phones have soo much going and and combinations of software available that YOU have to do your own testing to find out what works.

My phone had crap battery life, I read up on playing around with settings (GPS off, don't use google now) and altering other settings. It took me a number of evenings but I got the phone working well.

Don't forget a new phone needs a number of discharge/charge cycles to get the battery working properly anyway.

Persevere and do something yourself otherwise you'll keep getting yourself worked up when we can't give you some all knowing fix it answer.

Since putting on Faux my phone has shut down twice today with no notice. Any ideas?

That is odd, but I guess everyone's usage is different.

Faux beta kernels are undervolted by default so that could be causing issues for you. I have undervolted mine some more and ran it for 2 days no problems. But I've also underclocked it to 1134MHz.

If you can't run the beta, then just use the stable version
[Kernel] (version 005) Mako (UV Control/CPU/GPU OC/Hybrid Linux 3.4+) [Jan-19]
Does this seem fairly typical for a days use? This is with 3hrs screen on time. 16% remaining.


I was a bit surprised it's not really been awake! Even when the screen is on... I've not been doing any intensive games etc, mostly email/text/wordfued and some internet use.
Screen brightness? If auto/low brightness, I would say it is poor, 13-14 hours with the usage you listed you should be hitting at least 4 or 5 hours on screen time. Your signal was ok, a bit patchy though, but still should be getting more than that.

Also, that is a software bug as the phone should be showing as "awake" when the screen is on.
It's on auto brightness, I've disabled a few of the unnecessary synchronizations but google now etc are all still running. It's only had about 3 days use so hopefully it will improve a little as it goes through a few cycles!

I hadn't heard about that software bug, good to know!
Supposedly google now drains the battery big time on the N4, should disable it for your next charge to see how things go.

Also make sure you do this:


Yup, hopefully google will sort it out soon.......this is what the awake part should look like:

Install better battery stats for the time being, much more accurate and shows things which wouldn't be shown in the stock battery meter. Can get it for free at the bottom of this post:

Anyone else get a weird 'mobile data' bug, when coming out of my wi-fi connection (either just wander out leaving wi-fi on, or switching it off), the phone takes either an aaaaage or sometimes it won't re-connect to mobile data at all (no g, G, E, 3G or H signal).

I'm running Stock and not Routed etc...

Is this a known problem????, is there a fix????

usually a re-boot gets it back online!, but that a tad annoying to have to keep doing!!
How are you guys finding your screens? I found mine to be somewhat washed out (maybe the wording?) compared to the screen of the Galaxy S3 for example?
How are you guys finding your screens? I found mine to be somewhat washed out (maybe the wording?) compared to the screen of the Galaxy S3 for example?

That's because the Galaxy S3 screen is over saturated, rather than the Nexus 4 screen being washed out.

Some hate the over saturation, others like it.
I have had my nexus 4 since Friday but it is now randomly shutting down and then it appears to have a flat battery. This happens when the phone is idle.
Time to rma or is there a fix?
I would also note that yesterday for the first time it wouldn't turn on, I had to long hold the power button to get it to respond.
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I have had my nexus 4 since Friday but it is now randomly shutting down and then it appears to have a flat battery. This happens when the phone is idle.
Time to rma or is there a fix?
I would also note that yesterday for the first time it wouldn't turn on, I had to long hold the power button to get it to respond.

How odd, now mine is doing that!? Was perfect last week. Have you got AVG installed by any chance?

And stock software?
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