***The Official LG Nexus 4 Thread***

Here's a strange one.

I updated to 4.2.2 OTA earlier today (was previously rooted, but running stock and have not rerooted).

Have used it for a few hours since and so I'm not sure if the above is significant but..

I just picked up my phone and felt like I sort of oafed it when I pressed the unlock button - as in maybe was holding the volume button at the same time or something - and know the phone asks for a password before I unlock it. I have never set a password or face unlock or pattern unlock or anything on this phone. So now I can't get in!

I have Cerberus and tried sending the 'Unlock' command, but it says ' Problem communicating with your device.'

Any ideas?
Why do you need to do this? I've only ever installed the latest PA without bothering with the basehand and the radio.

It's a new OS basically. 4.2.1 > 4.2.2, all the previous PA releases including 3.00 where 4.2.1. Now it's updated to 4.2.2 with it comes new baseband and radio with improvements. So advisable to upgrade to the things that came with stock 4.2.2.
I've read that upgrading to new basehand and radio has broke a lot of sensors for people...and the've gone back to the old ones.
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No it's fine now if the stock kernel and such is included. As most have merged the changes. Now custom kernels are popping up with merges as well so fine to flash.

I'm on 4.2.2 AOKP and new baseband and radio and everything working fine with stock kernel.
I've read that upgrading to new basehand and radio has broke a lot of sensors for people...and the've gone back to the old ones.

1. Why are people saying "baseband and radio"? Baseband is the radio.

2. It only breaks things when using the old radio on the new build (to resurrect LTE)
No it's fine now if the stock kernel and such is included. As most have merged the changes. Now custom kernels are popping up with merges as well so fine to flash.

I'm on 4.2.2 AOKP and new baseband and radio and everything working fine with stock kernel.

Latest PA uses the stock kernal, right?
So flashing to new basehand and radio is all you have to do?

Also, how do you flash them?
Is it in recovery like you would if you were installing a custom rom?
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Battery life feels much better on 4.2.2 (PA). My wifi still doesn't work so well (Dlink issue), however my battery life feels better 1:30h screen on and at 70% battery life, including 1hours of music streaming.
Agree about battery life. On paranoid android + stock kernel, 1h 41min screen on time including about 20 mins on mobile data, and still 47% left. Much better than what I had before.
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It's a new OS basically. 4.2.1 > 4.2.2, all the previous PA releases including 3.00 where 4.2.1. Now it's updated to 4.2.2 with it comes new baseband and radio with improvements. So advisable to upgrade to the things that came with stock 4.2.2.

But you don't have to everything will still run fine without updating them.
getting better battery here to on 4.2.2 but thats mainly due to me being able to have wifi turned off when sleeping now as before it wouldn't reconnect properly so i left it on constant.

I'm currently at 1 days 13 hours with 3hrs:50mins of screen time, with 20% left
Been away a couple of weeks so not kept up. How do I get 4.2.2 on my stock phone? It says no update available when I check via WiFi.

Also, does it fix this wakelock thing a lot of people bang on about and use alternative roms for? I get 1-2 days battery usage normally, but I turned off Google Now to get that. Is the google now issue resolved (it used to hammer the battery).

i dont know about the google now thing but mines defiantly goes into deep sleep more than it used to and switches wifi off.

if you've not got it yet go to apps>all>google services framework>clear data then re-check manually for an update.

It seems it can take people anywhere from 1-8 times they have to go through it. so just keep trying until it sees the update

it comes up with a warning when you click clear data but dont worry about it just carry on.
i dont know about the google now thing but mines defiantly goes into deep sleep more than it used to and switches wifi off.

if you've not got it yet go to apps>all>google services framework>clear data then re-check manually for an update.

It seems it can take people anywhere from 1-8 times they have to go through it. so just keep trying until it sees the update

it comes up with a warning when you click clear data but dont worry about it just carry on.

Worked first time!

Weirdly it said something like "available via Wifi only till 17th Feb" while downloading.

updated to 4.2.2. seems to have solved my screen constantly turning on issue. when it restarted it told me a pdf file had been downloaded, which i remember downloading roughly when the issue started, so it may have been this was stuck in some sort of loop which is now fixed, or just a coincidence.
It's a co-incidence, after I updated I got a few download complete notifications as well, even thought the last download had definitely completed (it was the OTA update file).
Worked first time!

Weirdly it said something like "available via Wifi only till 17th Feb" while downloading.


Yeah! I did it last night and mine said the same thing whilst downloading!!!

It's fixed the Wi-Fi problem I was having! The phone now connects to mobile data the moment I turn off or walk out of my home Wi-Fi...

Hey after a month of trouble with my s3 I've got rid of it and the nexus 4 is on its way. I've ordered the 16gb with a 2/3 week wait. So guess i will be waiting at the door like a child for 3 weeks
Most are getting despatched within a couple of days! I'll be surprised if your waiting 3 weeks..

Check where your local TNT depot is because if you miss it they won't leave it with a neighbour or anything
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