***The Official Manly Shaving Thread***

Just had my first DE shave using a 34C and an Astra blade. No cuts or nicks, just a bit of redness under my bottom lip, which is subsiding already. Went WTG and XCG then stopped. Felt really nice after using electric or multi blade razors in the past, no pulling at all.
Lost a fair few hairs out of the badger brush, and wasn't overly impressed with the lather from the Proraso red, lathering on my face. Might try a bowl next time, or even the shave stick I have.
Not the closest shave I've had, but certainly one of the most comfortable.
I didn't rate Proraso's shave cream when i used it, found ToBS to be much better in every regard.

As for a post shave moisturiser, I just use an alum bloc and leave to air dry. You can use Proraso pre-shave cream too (which is good unlike the actual shave cream)
Pre shave I used a hot towel for a few minutes, then a bit of hair conditioner, seemed to work ok. Post shave an alum block and finished off with Nivea post shave balm.Seemed to do the trick.
Think I'll have to get some ToBS.
In terms of off-the-shelf post shave balm, the Nivea stuff is good, the Dove stuff is a bit watery and not well packaged, but I think the L'Oreal stuff is grand (and can usually be picked up on sale for £3).

Had my DE89 for three years without any problems.
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Hey guys, I've decided to ditch my gillette pro glide and go for a DE Razor as I'm fed up of the stupidly high prices of the blades plus want a better shave.

I'm thinking either a Merkur 34C or a Edwin Jagger DE89. I would also like to use the razor to shave my head to if possible?
Are the ones I'm looking at any good because of the short handles when doing my head or is there a better razor I should consider?

I'm thinking either a Merkur 34C or a Edwin Jagger DE89. I would also like to use the razor to shave my head to if possible?
Are the ones I'm looking at any good because of the short handles when doing my head or is there a better razor I should consider?

Don't head shave myself, but I've seen examples of people using regular razors to shave their domes. If you have big hands I'd have thought a larger razor would be easier to handle (based on the techniques I've seen).

The DE89 comes in a few variants, mostly with quite long handles, so may be the better option.
I'm thinking either a Merkur 34C or a Edwin Jagger DE89. I would also like to use the razor to shave my head to if possible?

I would look at the longer handle versions, I bought a Muhle R89 as my 1st razor and soon after bought the Merker 38C Barberpole due to the longer handle and more comfortable feel.

Cannot offer any advice on head shaving as I don't personally use my DE for that but thought I'd seen a 'head blade' razor somewhere (off to check the shaving sites).

edit: found it

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Thanks for the replies.
I've gone for the Merkur still as I've got small hands and I'll see how I get on. Can always move on up to something else.
That head razor looks quite interesting, going to see how I get on with just using a electric razor for most of it then finish off with the Merkur to save on pennies.
Ordered myself 100 x Personna Medi-Prep and 30 x Feather, given that I have 20 x Gilette Yellows left from the 100 that I started on 03/07/13 (I wrote the date on the packet) these should last sometime.
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