No, they will be air cooled.
AMD went with AIO because their chip runs fairly hot (not entirely their fault, we are stuck on 28nm, but they lack the power efficiency of nvidia and the extra 2billion transistors pulls more power). Also to reduce power consumption they wanted to run the chip much cooler, higher temperatures creates electron leakage which increases power consumption and generates heat. The a furyX saves 20-30W by being water cooled.
They also wanted a really cool, quiet, silent card with no heat problems to hide the 290X hair drier fiasco. They got most of that right, and (their supplier) messed up with the pump whine.
With the next node chips will be smaller and cooler.
An AIO adds a lot of fixed costs and increases risks of failure. The FuryX costs a lot more to produce than a 980Ti so nvidia profit margins are going to be much higher. I don't think nvidia would go down an AIO path unless they had no choice.