Speaker location is far from ideal but I do like how loud it is, it certainly compensates for the lack of a stereo counterpart. I find if I cup the phone with whatever hand is at the speaker end it directs the sound out, it's bang on for me. Other times I use earphones.I have to say I have two main dislikes about this phone that are slowly irritating me..
1 - Speaker location is terrible, I cover it all the time and have to constantly adjust my grip to hear the sound.
2 - Camera performance is just flaky.. I find I take 3-4 extra shots of the same thing before I am satisfied with it. Pixel 2xl was as close to point and shot as I've experienced.
Re the camera. Get the Google cam port from XDA. There is a small bug but it is present on other phones as well where when it's opened at first it sometimes doesn't save the first photo or two - Google have promised an update to fix it. When all is said and done it drastically improves the quality of photos.