*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

12 May 2005
Resogun clicked tonight. I figured out what the keepers are, when the humans are going to be released and how boost/overdrive work. It's flippin' brilliant and highly addictive. Anyone bought the new Heroes DLC?

I got the season pass, worth the extra as there is a new human mode just about to come out, where you can play as a human... Superb game.

Enjoyed playing that, I still do every now and then. I still need to earn a few missing trophies, but it can get a bit hard towards the end on the higher difficulties.

Right anyhow

got my drive club season pass, and purchased Resident Evil HD and a few DLC packs for a some PS3 games... saved me a fiver. not bad.

Just need to finish off AC Unity, which to be honest after all that bad press, is I felt a good game.. Each to their own, but AC unity has loads to do, and wow are the graphics good, I mean I'm a bit of a graphics whore at times, but yeah AC unity looked very good indeed. So very nice details from UBIsoft artists... The way it captured 17th century France, they did some nice work on the visuals.. Plenty of missions to complete as well..
28 Oct 2003
I loved the first few AC games but not played any since Brotherhood.

I believe Desmond is dead so how do they explain all these new characters like in Black Flag and Unity if there's no Desmond/animus anymore?
28 Oct 2003
When you get a new trophy on PS4, it pops up a little notification with the PS button. Are you supposed to press the PS button or hold it? Neither seem to work for me. (By work, I mean take me to the exact trophy I unlocked in the trophy area.)
12 May 2005
isn't the press the ps button from the good old days on Xbox where when an achievement popped you could press the x button to see the games achievement list? better late then never for PlayStation I guess : -)
28 Oct 2003
isn't the press the ps button from the good old days on Xbox where when an achievement popped you could press the x button to see the games achievement list? better late then never for PlayStation I guess : -)

Yes, the other thing the PS4 needs to do is show you the progression of part-completed trophies. So, for example, if there is a trophy for kill 50 robots, the Xbone will show you how many out of 50 you've killed. Very useful. I also like the feature where the Xbone autosaves 30 seconds of gameplay video for certain achievements. I quite often forget to do it.
12 May 2005
Yes, the other thing the PS4 needs to do is show you the progression of part-completed trophies. So, for example, if there is a trophy for kill 50 robots, the Xbone will show you how many out of 50 you've killed. Very useful. I also like the feature where the Xbone autosaves 30 seconds of gameplay video for certain achievements. I quite often forget to do it.

Steam does that, tells you how close you are to getting that achievement. Sony have made huge improvements to their whole system in regards to telling you stuff apart from who is and isn't online, and not being able to set your status, but still a way to go..

Still early days, Ps3 was nothing like it is today, heck first Ps3 titles didn't even have trophies lol
26 Dec 2003
Cambs UK
Bought some of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171474500224?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT

Video looked simple enough on youtube.

My left stick is really sensitive though, like I find it tough to aim left or right without it seeing my input as up which makes conversational choice selecting on Dragon Age hard. Hoping it's due to some dust or something..

It's fairly easy to do if you aren't ham-fisted. Just be careful when taking the back cover off. The triggers don't come off with it, they stay with the rest
23 Jun 2009
Just finished playing through The Swapper, really enjoyed every second of it, to be honest the puzzles were not overly difficult but that just meant I didn't get frustrated and enjoyed it all the more.

Avoided a walkthrough for all puzzles but used it at the end to get the secret terminals, only ever found one of them and it was a fluke, really happy with PS+ as the volume of games (not just indie) I have experienced which I wouldn't have otherwise is huge.
28 Jul 2004
llanelli , south wales
Bit the bullet and got Drive Club on ps+ . Also I just noticed a big 2 Gb + update for Trials fusion ... havn't even played the game yet since I got it November , but on looking at the menu system before you start the game it says something about new online multiplayer.
30 Dec 2010
Over here
Just finished playing through The Swapper, really enjoyed every second of it, to be honest the puzzles were not overly difficult but that just meant I didn't get frustrated and enjoyed it all the more.

Avoided a walkthrough for all puzzles but used it at the end to get the secret terminals, only ever found one of them and it was a fluke, really happy with PS+ as the volume of games (not just indie) I have experienced which I wouldn't have otherwise is huge.

I was enjoying it until I just got totally stuck last night. Will go back top it and like you I don't want to use a guide.
14 Sep 2008
Bought Resident Evil and the Driveclub and Destiny expansion packs, used the 10% discount code. Just waiting for Resident Evil to finish downloading before I relive my youth :)
10 May 2004
South UK
Anyone else had one of these emails from Sony@email,sonyentertainmentnetwork,com?

Not sure if its legit or a scam email but it looks like it only concerns US owners, I guess I got this email as I setup a USN PSN account on the PS3.
The email looks legit and not some shoddy scam one.

If You Had a PlayStation Network, Qriocity, or Sony Online Entertainment Account Before May 15, 2011,
You Could Get Benefits from a Class Action Settlement.

A settlement has been reached with the Sony Entities about the illegal and unauthorized attacks (the "Intrusions") in April 2011, on the computer network systems used to provide PlayStation Network ("PSN"), Qriocity, and Sony Online Entertainment ("SOE") services. The Sony Entities deny any claims of wrongdoing in this case, and the settlement does not mean that the Sony Entities violated any laws or did anything wrong.

Who is included? The Class includes everyone in the US (including its territories) who had a PSN account, a Qriocity account, or an SOE account at any time before May 15, 2011.

What does the settlement provide?

There are various benefits, depending in part on what type of account(s) you had. Benefits you could get (if you qualify) include:
* Payment equal to paid wallet balances (if $2 or more) in PSN or SOE accounts that have been inactive since the Intrusions,

* One or more of the following: a free PS3 or PSP game, 3 free PS3 themes, or a free 3-month subscription to PlayStation Plus (once valid claims exceed $10 million, class members will still be eligible for one free month of PlayStation Plus),

* A free month of Music Unlimited for Qriocity account holders who did not have a PSN account,

* $4.50 in SOE Station Cash (amounts will be reduced proportionally if valid claims exceed $4 million).

Identity Theft Reimbursement: If you had out-of-pocket charges due to actual identity theft, and have documentation proving that the theft was caused by the Intrusion(s), you can submit a claim for reimbursement up to $2,500. Reimbursements will be reduced proportionally if the total amount payable on all valid claims would exceed $1 million.

How can I get benefits? To get benefits, you must file a claim form. Claim forms are available at WWW,PSNSOESETTLEMENT,COM. You can also request claim forms from the Claims Administrator by writing to PSN-SOE Settlement, PO Box 1947, Faribault, MN 55021 or by calling 1-877-552-1284. The earliest deadline to file a claim is August 31, 2015, or 60 days after the settlement becomes final and effective. Visit the website for more details on submitting a claim online or by mail.

Your other options. Even if you do nothing, you will be bound by the Court's decisions. If you want to keep your right to sue the Sony Entities yourself, you must exclude yourself from the Settlement Class by April 10, 2015. If you stay in the Settlement Class, you may object to the settlement by April 10, 2015. For instructions on how to exclude yourself from the Class or object to the settlement, please see WWW,PSNSOESETTLEMENT,COM.

The Court will hold a hearing in this case on May 1, 2015, to consider whether to approve the settlement, and a request by Class Counsel for fees, costs, and expenses up to $2,750,000. You or your own lawyer may appear and speak at the hearing at your own expense.

For more information or Claim Forms:
Last edited:
23 Jan 2007
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