*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

When I think of Shadow of the Beast I kinda want a Switchblade remake instead. What happened to Gremlin Graphics?!?

RE: PS Now - Anyone want to see how MP games fair? Unsure if the list of games in the Beta will have MP or even have it available...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Anyone else noticed issues with their controller when the light bar is slightly obstructed?

I never noticed this at all during first 12 months but last few weeks I seem to be noticing it a lot - maybe the controller is faulty.

It came about when I was playing Bloodborne. Now and then, I would die to a boss when I KNOW I pressed the dodge button yet my character just stood there or moved in the wrong direction - there was crazy lag in the input.
I figured it was the game at first...
then I thought it was the grips I put on but it's not.

Anyway, I kept seeing this happen then noticed what I was doing - I was sometimes playing with my feet on the chair, so my knees were up thus the controller was obstructed from view of the PS4, or partially so. When I moved my legs, it worked fine.

So the lag was because I would press 'right' then as my leg moved the input would finally be recognised late and my character would move right.

A few days later I tried the controller behind the sofa and it worked 100% fine.

Very confusing.

I sometimes had problems when sprinting on Dying Light too so can assume it was happening back then as well. It would keep disengaging the sprint command - made it quite frustrating to play.
I do have a spare controller that has never really been used so i'll swap them out and see how I get on with the other one.
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Light bar is only used by the camera for tracking, so can't see why it would be related? Surely coincidence and something else is interfering with the wireless signal, but doesn't sound normal.

Do you have lead in your legs? :p
Light bar is only used by the camera for tracking, so can't see why it would be related? Surely coincidence and something else is interfering with the wireless signal, but doesn't sound normal.

Do you have lead in your legs? :p

lol, maybe I do - would explain why I'm so flat footed when playing Squash ;)
Yeah I never really thought much on it but would have assumed it wasn't used like that.

Maybe it was something else - but I tested in 10 times or more and the pattern followed perfectly. But it did work on another day, then has iffy again.

I'll just have to take note of when it happens again and see what else could be causing an issue - if anything.
or maybe the controller is just on the fritz and the obstruction part was just co-incidental
I played some Motorstorm Apocalypse on PSNow earlier, my connection is nothing special roughly 12mbs down, 1 up.

The game ran perfectly was quite impressed, lag was fine and not sure I saw a single visual glitch, also noticed Dead Space 3 on the list loved the first two and never played the third, wondering how much the beta will let me squeeze in.
Tried PS Now

Played God of War Ascension, MotorStorm and a quick go on Killzone, I was fairly impressed truth told.

Big bonus was playing God of War with a DS4. Didn't notice any lag at all, very responsive. Was presently surprised with the whole thing really.
I didn't really get very far with PS Now last night, one game wouldn't launch due to a connection error and Batman locked up after 5 minutes. Connection test was perfectly fine though, and I'm wired to a router that has access to 152/12Mb internet. Joys of BETA I guess.

In terms of visuals, audio and responsiveness it was pretty impressive though while it lasted, I'd actually say slightly better than local streaming between a PS4 and PSTV for example.
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Didn't notice God of War Ascension, thats the only one I never played, might go looking for that tonight instead.

My questions so far would be, can I or will I be able to utilise my saved game files with PS Now, also are trophies enabled in the Beta, I didn't see any pop during my time last night although to be fair I have the platinum for Motorstorm Apocalypse so makes sense I wouldn't....
Didn't notice God of War Ascension, thats the only one I never played, might go looking for that tonight instead.

My questions so far would be, can I or will I be able to utilise my saved game files with PS Now, also are trophies enabled in the Beta, I didn't see any pop during my time last night although to be fair I have the platinum for Motorstorm Apocalypse so makes sense I wouldn't....

Trophies work, they did for me last night for motor storm. How long is this beta? I enjoyed motor storm and also got into god of war. Be a shame if I get so far in god of war and then the beta ends in say 10 days, I guess the selection of games once out of beta will increase? I'd be interested in a PS now sub if going on what I saw last night...

I tired on live years ago on PC and wasn't impressed, I was skeptical on PS now but after last night I'm pretty sold on the idea ..
I don't understand why Sony have done this. The objective now is to enable play of some PS3 games on PS4. But I can't see that being a huge attraction as more and more PS4 games come out.

So if we go to PS5 are they going to have streaming of PS4 games and not have any backward compatibility again? I'd rather have the latter.
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