*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

The only time I ever heard my ps4 fans really kick in was when I first bought it at launch and played Killzone.

Since then the fans are almost silent even after playing intensive games for long periods, maybe its just luck of the draw or possibly earlier patches had improved system performance?
Re: Fan noise - ventilation is key. I have mine on top of my TV unit now rather than inside and I can barely hear the fan now. As soon as I put it inside within 5-10 mins the fans ramp up.
Mines in an open cabinet with at least 6 inches around all sides, i'll try it on the top of the cabinet to see if it makes any difference, wouldn't bother me when gaming but when watching Netflix etc it sometimes still does it which is bloody annoying
Mines in an open cabinet with at least 6 inches around all sides, i'll try it on the top of the cabinet to see if it makes any difference, wouldn't bother me when gaming but when watching Netflix etc it sometimes still does it which is bloody annoying

Mine had probably around the same but once I stuck it on top I barely hear it now, especially when watching films. In fact my son has Shrek on at the moment and it's pretty much silent bar the disc spinning which is barely noticeable.
Just because YOURS is loud, doesn't mean to say ALL of them are loud. Mine is as I say, don't call me a liar.

Agreed - PS4 is very quiet when used for media. Much better then the PS3. and ahh. Another classic comment from our good old pioneer2000.

Is he still hanging about trying to bait? Seriously this guy needs to go get a life.
Agreed - PS4 is very quiet when used for media. Much better then the PS3. and ahh. Another classic comment from our good old pioneer2000.

Is he still hanging about trying to bait? Seriously this guy needs to go get a life.

Some people are just ignorant. I would never make a sweeping statement that ALL PS4's are silent or that ALL are loud. Which is what some PICNIC's are saying.

All I can say is that mine is silent, except for when the player reads the disc initially. After that, no noise.
Just because YOURS is loud, doesn't mean to say ALL of them are loud. Mine is as I say, don't call me a liar.

Just because YOURS is quiet doesn't mean to say ALL of them are quiet. Mine is as I say, don't call me or pioneer2000 a liar.
Just because YOURS is quiet doesn't mean to say ALL of them are quiet. Mine is as I say, don't call me or pioneer2000 a liar.

I never called him or you a liar. I said he was wrong to say that no PS4 can be quiet. He and you are clearly trolls, and congratulations, you become my first ignores on these forums. You called my post rubbish because I said MY PS4 was quiet, not all. I also didn't say that yours or his wasn't loud.

Spot the difference? Doubt that you can.
I never called him or you a liar. I said he was wrong to say that no PS4 can be quiet. He and you are clearly trolls, and congratulations, you become my first ignores on these forums. You called my post rubbish because I said MY PS4 was quiet, not all. I also didn't say that yours or his wasn't loud.

Spot the difference? Doubt that you can.

LMAO! I used your exact response and only flipped quiet for loud, if you take offense you need a good long hard look at your own post.
My PS4's fan does kick in but only on some games - i can play driveclub, gta 4 etc for hours i can hear the fan spin up but its not as loud as the my PS3s fan, the 360s fan thats just noisy no matter what.

I have noticed some games that fan goes full pelt for no reason - when i played Ether One - just loading to the menu screen the PS4s fan was going mental.

But those that have noisy PS4 fans - do you have the PS4 vertical or horizontal?
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