*** The Official Playstation 4 (PS4) Thread ***

Well I have Diablo 3 and playing with the Mrs I had to make her a free PSN account to be able to save her character but when doing so I couldn't save to the HDD??? I had to find a USB stick :(

Any advice to use the HDD??
Anybody have issues with Games deleting themselves?

Just turn the PS4 on to play Elder Scrolls and the game has been deleted?!?!

It was there last night when I finished playing it. Went to start the game today and it said I had to download the game as it wasn't installed......40~ Hours left to download.

WHAT THE ****?
Just pre ordered God Of War remastered, was going to say no to more remasters but I got to admit I really fancy playing this one lol. They got me again, how many remasters now? Lol.

Uncharted collection will probably get me as well... God dammit !
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