Its been rated in Canada as a 14A, roughly a PG13 in the US, which means it'll most likely be a 12 over here, maybe a 15.
Oh well, suddenly I have gone off the movie thanks to that. Well done Ridley, make a cack movie and cash in with the lower rating. Bravo.
How, just how, can you make a film that is the prequel to Alien, one of the all time great horrors and make it a 12 or 15. Its going to suck, just look at the recent remake of the Thing. Its a 15, and rating aside, its rubbish compared to the original.
To be fair, a low age rating doesn't mean a crap film, remember it's not an Alien movie, just has alien elements in it towards the end, it's more about the space jockeys and the origins of humanity.