It's by Ridley Scott and has Aliens in it, how is it not an Alien film?
Have you actually read how Ridley describes the film?
Jay794 said:
I didn't say all the "best" films are 18's but can you really see Pulp Fiction or Resouvior Dogs as a 12? really?
Oh really?
Terminator 1 and 2 were 18's
Terminator 3 was a 15 (I think)
Terminator 4 was also a 15 IIRC
Does that not say enough, all the best films are 18's
Prometheus would be loads better if it was an 18, then they wouldn't have to cut out all the best bits.
Just look at way films are going these days, with the exception of a few (Saw, The Human Centipede) films are getting less and less gore and thus the ratings come down
It had a good storyline too
Someone must have hijacked your computer then.
You are right that Pulp Fiction wouldn't have worked as a 12 rated film, but it was never intended to be anything other than an 18 rated film. It has a certain amount of violence, language and tone, that was an integral part of the film from the word go. You can't edit that out without wrecking it.
Prometheus was never meant to be an 18 rated film, so there was never going to be a load of 18 rated content that had to be edited out. It might be set in the same universe as Alien but it has evolved into something different, that "shares some DNA with Alien", as Ridley put it.
If you, or anyone is going to have the view that Prometheus won't be as good because it's not going to have an 18 rating, and won't have content and tone like the other Alien films, then what about Terminator 2. It should be nowhere near as good as it is, going by that view. I certainly didn't see many people complaining that the T1000, didn't go around ripping people's hearts out, and leaving bodies all over the place. The film didn't need to show mangled dead bodies, in order for the film to work. It's less violent, but it works very well, because it was well thought out.
Prometheus, isn't going to be crap, just because Alien/s don't go around terrorising and killing people like they did in the other films. Cameron showed with Terminator 2, it's possible to make another film set in the same universe, without having the same tone and content as previous film/s.
Terminator 2 could have a 12 rating really. If it was released today with a 12 rating, would people call that crap or disappointing, because it doesn't have the violence and tone of the first film?
A film's rating has no bearing on whether or not the film is any good.
Of course, it remains to be seen if Prometheus is any good. If it isn't, it certainly won't be because the lack of an 18 rating, with plenty of death and terror. Alien: Resurrection had an 18 rating, and that really wasn't very good at all. Not IMO anyway.