The Official Prometheus (Alien Prequel) Thread

The above storyline has me really excited, it's been a long time since aliens interested me. I only really enjoyed the first two after which it all got a bit predictable and boring.

I just hope to god they don't use too much cgi, the models are what made the films for me, much like the original star wars.
My friends Facebook status today:

"YESS!!! Had beers in Reykjavic with the special effects team working on the Alien pre-qual!! Their phone vid's of the vehicles in it look sick!!! :D \o/"



Looking very alien/giger'eseque :D

I'm glad a bunch of others are liking the sound of this as much as I do :D

I get the feeling we'll just get a few peaks of the "alien" and they won't overdo it too much, reckon this will be heavily character driven. *crosses fingers!

i wonder if the Alien themselves will have a differant look about them, i know they've been in contact with giger from reports etc.
hah I can guarantee someone lost there job for the sake of those photos, someone here (vfx studio) was let go recently for leaking info / images of this exact same project.
Ridley Scott did a special appearance at Comic Con yesterday, via a live video link on set in Iceland. There's some clips on Youtube.

Apparently they showed some footage from the film as well but I can't find anything on Youtube of that yet :(

It's becoming more and more obvious that this film is going to be awesome :D
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Isn't that just the fossilized space jockey from Alien?!?

Yes thats the original pilot of the alien vessel which crash landed, he has been infected, and the hybrid creature queen had tehn laid the eggs which infected john hurt in the original alien.

So it would make sence that ship or pilot or species should be part of any prequel.
Saw this the other day if anyone's interested.

Suppoed to be first photo from film....looks more like a drawing to me.

Yes thats the original pilot of the alien vessel which crash landed, he has been infected, and the hybrid creature queen had tehn laid the eggs which infected john hurt in the original alien.

So it would make sence that ship or pilot or species should be part of any prequel.

I'm aware of all that...thanks all the same ;)

What I meant was what relevance does it have to Prometheus, I at first thought someone was posting it as the latest still from the movie or something like that but it's just an older image.

Not a moan, i'm just aching for new info about this movie all the you can see from all my posts in this thread I have a real passion about the "Alien" movies.
Wow...almost 3 months since I posted any new info about the movie.

My favorite horror website recently posted the following update, it contains a minor character spoiler so i'm not going to post too much info, if you want to know more, just click the link.

The site confirmed in an interview with Michael Fassbender that he'll be starring as...
I'm going to go against the grain here...and be slated for it...

But I actually have some interest in this film and would consider seeing it when it comes out.
I say going against the grain because I am NOT a fan of the Alien films.

I did not like or dislike any of the Alien films (only seen 1,2 and 4). They were just kind of 'meh'. Just another bunch of movies i've seen and didn't hate but would never watch again.

AvP on the other hand, that was just shocking...maybe made worse by the fact that I seen it at the cinema - ouch!.

Anyhow, yes I am quite interested in a prequel to Alien and if done correctly it could be an enjoyable film. The concept of the Xenomorphs is certainly interesting (although disgusting when you read what most of their 'look' is implying...). One thing that gets in the way for me is that the human characters usually annoy me too much...i had that problem in the other Alien moves i've seen.

I really haven't heard a lot about it though at the minute.
BD has some pretty cool news about Prometheus, including how it directly links into the first Alien :D

Minor spoilers follow:

It beginning to hit a point where there's just no way around avoiding Prometheus spoilers. The entire plot has already been let out of the bag and various stars have confirmed it shares the same DNA as Scott's breakthrough 1979 Alien. In an interview with Speakeasy, Scott talks about the film's central metaphor and also revealed something huge about the final eight minutes of the film. You have been warned.

The central metaphor of Prometheus is about a “higher being” who challenges the gods, and the gods don’t want to give him fire, says the site. "Fire is our first form of technology," Scott says, and so by taking fire, the higher being is punished "in perpetuity in a horrible fashion." Much like the story of the mythological god, Prometheus, who stole fire from Zeus and for his actions was bound to a rock with an eagle eternally devouring his liver.

But the big news is that the concluding eight minutes of the Prometheus story evolve into "a pretty good DNA of the 'Alien' one." Early reports were that Prometheus leads up to the space jockey crash landing and setting up the events of Alien.

A.W.E.S.O.M.E. June 8, 2012.

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