It'll fall exactly into what Star Wars has.
You get the story before in todays gorgeous CGI and everything looks amazing and then steps into the 70s.
I don't think they will go that way with this film though.
The trouble with Lucas and the new Star Wars trilogy was that he went overboard with all the new technology that had emerged in the second half of the nineties.
He shot with digital cameras when they were pretty much in their infancy, as was the DI process. I wonder whether he would have really done the same today, rather than shooting on film so that you get the lovely look of the grain and colour spectrum it can hold, with the DI process making it much easier to manage and be creative.
Then you had the fact that the majority of the film was shot infront of green screens in order to put in matte painting as back drops on nearly every scene, again without the film grain it just looks too perfect and sharp. The old Star Wars films all used models, which looked great.
The film also was full of CG characters which have come on a long way since then, and thus look a lot better as a character in their own right than they did back then. Plus you also had characters, such as C3PO making moves which are unnatural to that of the character we already know.
I think Scott would certainly be mindful of repeating such mistakes and will want something that mirrors the look of Alien, which is actually a long way from that of the style of Star Wars anyway.
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