**** The Official Prometheus Spoiler Discussion Thread ****

Here's an interesting question for you guys.

They discovered the alien on LV233 first. LV426 happened years later.

Why was Weyland-Yutani so desperate bring back an alien from LV426 (see also Alien-3 where they are still trying), yet they had all those samples on LV233? And they even have an alien Queen (?) by the end of Prometheus. All there and waiting for them on LV233, which they have now discovered (or at least charted).

In the Prometheus sequel the Engineers are going to have to return to LV233 and nuke it, otherwise it would appear there's yet another gaping hole in the Aliens timeline...

Unless, I guess, LV426 is light years closer to Earth, so it just makes it more convenient to get their Aliens from there instead?
For a start, Prometheus is set in the alien universe. It is not a prequel to alien. It changes a lot of things as its not directly related to the alien series and is not intended to keep the story line intact. The sequal if they get funding is still set in the universe but will go even further away from the original alien stories.
So it's like a reboot?

I really don't understand why you'd set something in the same universe, but then say the events aren't supposed to marry up in some way.

Sure I understand it's not a prequel, but if it's in the same universe, shouldn't it at least be consistent with the already established canon of that universe?
The only glaring thing for me is it seems there was 5minutes cut from after they kill the guy that gets infected and heads back and goes beserk. This was the perfect oppurtunity to set up an autopsy to determine the bio weapon and so on and would then fall neatly into the Captain suddenly declaring that the place is a weapons facility.

In terms of pacing, the entire bit from cesarian all the way to the end takes only approx 40 minutes. I actually checked my watch when I watched the movie second time. There is quite a bit of time wasted at the start on "are you android Vickers" type of chit chats, and then when the tempo picks up you are just bombarded with stuff and as you said - there is a moment there when you cannot help but wonder if there was a massive part of footage removed from the movie.

I know it was mentioned here before, but I though maybe I remembered all the events wrong, it wasn't until second viewing that I realised just how odd the cuts of main few events were.

So, Charlie Holloway is burnt to a crisp roughly 1h17 into the movie. At that point Scottish doctor (Ford?) sedates hysterical Shaw. A minute later Shaw wakes up in infirmary and within minutes David tells her she's 3 months pregnant with "not exactly traditional fetus" and she needs to immediately go into cryostasis. David sedates her. At that point we have the whole creepy "Ebola/I spied on your dreams" evil David mini reveal.
- Scene immediately following at approx 1h20-1h22 minutes into the movie - Shaw wakes up to doctor Ford and another person (I honestly don't know who it was) trying to move her into cryodeck. She knocks the guy out with a pan and kicks doctor Ford up unconscious against ceiling and runs off to have the whole cesarian thing.
- Immediately after cesarian we have a scene with Janek observing Fifield rage on the "parking lot".
- Right after we cut back to Shaw, all in blood, injecting herself with something in the middle of hallway, then enters C3 P43. For no particular reason this random room is now occupied by freshly awaken Wayland, David, male nurse and one guard. They look at her, say absolutely nothing about her state. David gives her his coat. She mentions nothing about cesarian. He asks no questions about her state or what, by the look of things and staples across her stomach might have happened to "not exactly normal fetus". Instead she gets invited to Waylands roadtrip.
- next scene, she's in en suite in her own bedroom, washing blood off her face and taking ibuprofen. Janek pops in, jumps to conclusions about how this is "weapons facility".
- with exception of one short "Luke I'm your father" scene, the next thing we know, Shaw in space suit, beside Doctor Ford, with David, Wayland and a guard prepares for trip outside.

It's now merely 10 minutes of our life later. And it's like they all took amnesia pill. Not even some sort of rushed:
Dr. Ford: "Shaw you [beep!], you kicked me well good against that ceiling!"
Shaw: "I'm sorry Doctor Ford, I had to escape coz Evil Dave was trying to freeze my squid baby".
Dr. Ford: "Oh, you had squid baby? How fascinating. Is it around?"
Shaw: "It's dangling from pliers in Vickers' recreation room, you must check it out later, properly weird stuff came out of me"
Dave: "I'm sorry for being evil 10 minutes ago. I'm like, all repaired now"
Wayland: "People, please, we only have 20 minutes to wrap up this mess. Shaw, how is that stapled stomach I didn't ask you about when we were first introduced to each other 7 minutes ago. Are you fit to run and jump around?"

But no. Nothing. It's like one reel of the movie was lost by Fedex and we jumped straight to next reel, or like they all suddenly had 20 episodes of TV series outside of the screen. Shaw suddenly starts screaming about things she has NO IDEA about and never witnessed to Engineer, Dave suddenly starts helping her, after he killed her boo and tried to do some nasty to her. It's either badly cut, or completely retarded!
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The "Are you an android Vickers?", "Meet me in my room in 10minutes" is to get Janek off the bridge whilst the two guys left behind get attacked and no one is on the bridge to hear it. That could have been cut and just have it shown at night with no one on the bridge (entirely believable as everyone seems to be incompetent!).

Edit: David does speak to her about the caesarian afterwards when they are alone.
the 'god' connection was explained by weyland with his explanation of the outcast god, prometheus as he believed mortals should live equally with the gods.

more and more biblical and creation references now i read up this thread and others.
So it's like a reboot?

I really don't understand why you'd set something in the same universe, but then say the events aren't supposed to marry up in some way.

Sure I understand it's not a prequel, but if it's in the same universe, shouldn't it at least be consistent with the already established canon of that universe?

More like AvP, same universe, different take on it. It was originally going to be prequal and would have made far more sense, as so many things are similar, people are going to think its a prequal with loads of errors, unless they read about the film.

Reboot, is more of making identical film again. Like batman with joker and the other characters.
I'm just back from watching the film. I'm left with my head swimming in "what the" and "why" questions. I'm still not even sure if it's a good film or not.

Think I need to sleep on it. Pass the beer...
A natty list of plot holes taken from the Prometheus forum.

"1. The dreams sequence. David can watch Shaw's dreams. Amazingly this technology also cuts from scene to scene like a movie camera...Please. No one dreams like that.

2. How did they randomly find the temple so quick? This is an entire planet surface!

3. Why was the landing so soft and easy?

4. Why does Fifield start screaming at Shaw like that? Calm down mate..jeez..And later on with an Alien cobra he is cool as ice.

5. Why does that moron Buddy Holly scientist try and touch the cobra alien? not once....not twice...but 3 TIMES!!!

6. Why on earth would a scientist remove their helmets in a possibly infected temple? I am just a civilian and even I understand the concept of VIRUS CONTAMINATION ON AN ALIEN FRIGGIN PLANET. They then have the cheek to talk about Shaw's strict quarantine fail-safe procedures...please

7. What does this Black Goo do exactly? Accelerate worm growth? Infect crew members? Cause pregnancies? Create life? Pick one and stick to it please

8. Why does Ford straight away start giving the head electricity for kicks? Do they not have procedures? What is this fun with Frankenstein?

9. Why does the head explode?

10. Why are the medical staff so damn careless with a possibly disease ridden and bacteria infested decapitated head? I swear they didn’t even wear plastic gloves. At one point I thought they were going to lick it like Hanson the caretaker from Scary Movie 2...

11. How did Shaw know the Jockey was heading to Earth to destroy it? Pretty big assumption from a couple of punches thrown here and there..no she didn't see the starmap that was afterwards...

12. How does David know the Space Jockey is heading to kill Shaw on the Medical Bay? He is grounded on the floor...

13. How does Shaw know her baby will attack the Jockey?

14. Shaw has this 'baby' but fails to mention the horrific and super extraordinary situation she had just been through.
''oh hey guys, ha ha, nearly forgot. FYI, you won't believe what just happened to me on the way here''....''i just gave birth to an alien..''
''yeah, i know CRAZY right, considering i had sex only 10 BLOODY HRS AGO!!''

15. The whole Vickers' Star Wars 'Father' line...

16. The 'bet' between the co-pilots was cringeworthy

17. HUGE ONE…How the hell does Shaw walk after abdominal surgery? If abdominal muscle is cut you can NOT walk, the muscle needs to be sewn back…But no, a few staples and she is good to go…

18. Why does the tentacle creature have tentacles from the evil Planet X?

19. Why do the space jockeys allow any old tramp to walk in an use their security hologram systems?

20. Why does the space jockey want to kill…You’d think an advanced race would be a little civilized?

21. What was the point of Guy Pearce as Weyland? Why was he even there? So he just assumed this temple would contain a fountain of youth…..right….I guess he ‘chose to believe’ too…

22. Why does Shaw "choose to believe"? And why does she have that same Dad and subplot from the movie "Contact" (except this time it was Ebola, not a heart attack)

23. (Thanks to Stringer) Why does captain of a ship Janek and project manager Vickers, in charge of the well-being of the crew, leave two crew members unobserved in an alien cave while they have sex, with little regard for their safety?

24. Why does Lindelof still have a career after this many failures?

25. What was with the little flute and Fisher Price squishy buttons?"

Why are people continuing to defend a film riddled with this many inconsistencies?
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i agree - i wanted to like it and i sort of did (a bit like like the matrix sequels) - but the more i think about it the more holes i find. i great film has no holes, it all blends together and the unknown questions make it better - this does none of those - it is a bit like lost - it creates holes just for the sake of it and not to drive the plot or the mystery (mystery is good but i need some kind of direction) - the more i think about it the worse it gets. disappointing.
To clarify, I don't think all of that list is entirely legitimate, some of it is plain stupid, but others are one's we've covered before here too.
I'm happy for there to be a shedload of questions, holes etc so long as most of them are addressed in the next film.

I enjoyed watching it, it certainly seemed to be over very quickly.

One massive dislike for me was the hyper-modern spaceship and graphic display designs. Ridley was a massive ******* for not directing the visuals to be closer/more primitive to those of Alien. It would have bought so much more credibility.

Fantastic use of 3D too, though some of the scenes felt a little odd/distracting, overall was impressed at the lack of gimmicky nonsense.
A natty list of plot holes taken from the Prometheus forum.

7. What does this Black Goo do exactly? Accelerate worm growth? Infect crew members? Cause pregnancies? Create life? Pick one and stick to it please

8. Why does Ford straight away start giving the head electricity for kicks? Do they not have procedures? What is this fun with Frankenstein?

9. Why does the head explode?

25. What was with the little flute and Fisher Price squishy buttons?"

There are plenty of points on that list that I'd consider unreasonable criticisms.

For example, point 2:

2. How did they randomly find the temple so quick? This is an entire planet surface!
Simply put, you wouldn't want for there to have been a 30 minute landing sequence, would you? Sure it could have been handled better. They could have found the bunkers with sensor scan from orbit. Etc, etc.

So I've cut those out and also the things we've discussed before. The points I've left are valid, and some deserve a bit more critique.

7. The black goo is clearly magic. It does a bit of everything. It makes you deconstruct; it makes you a super-strength zombie; it makes you grow 10x faster than normal; it alters/replaces your sperm; it grows in your womb. You think maybe it does the dishes too?

Also, the new goo-based alien life-cycle is batsheet insane.

8. This bit *really* annoyed me.

"I've just encountered an alien species. In less than an hour since first contact, I'm pretty sure I know how their physiology works. I am certain that if I jam this needle thing into its head, like so, and apply precisely the right amount of juice, I will get exactly the result I'm looking for. I know all this, because I studied Engineer Biology 101 in high-school. Didn't you?"

That was one of the most insulting scenes in the film, because it implies we're all too stupid to recognise how dumb it is.

9. The head explodes because she couldn't remember the "necessary voltages for Engineer head reanimation" lecture at high-school. And also because Ridley Scott thinks we find exploding heads scary. I don't actually know if the head exploded, mind you, because I was hiding behind my chair at that point. You got me Mr Sott, you got me! :p No, not really.

25. It's advanced technology. So are solid metal chairs to sit on, btw. Our comfortable swivel chairs and padded seats are the laughing stock of advanced alien cultures, who like nothing better than to sit on cold, back destroying solid metal furniture. It's the future.

Admittedly, this is a silly thing to moan about. Falls under "artistic license" and as such, I'm moving on...

26. "This unit is configured for male patients only. Seek medical attention!"
Shaw presses three or four buttons.
"Begin caesarian procedure!"
".....Beginning procedure."

This whole sequence was dumb as a rock. The unit was going to turn her away based on the fact that it was improperly configured, BUT, the configuration takes all of five seconds to do? Wow, that system must have been designed by the same chaps that do IT for the NHS.

The scene could be *easily* improved.
"This unit is currently configured for male patients. Shall I reconfigure for you?"
"Specify procedure."

This, while remaining dumb, is significantly less dumb than before. It still gives the audience a small amount of info partaining to Weyland being on board (the reason for this piece of equipment being there and being configured for a male patient).

But what is the point of the unit moaning about being configured wrong, and advising that you should seek help elsewhere, when evidently all she has to do is press three buttons and bark a command, and suddenly it works for women too? Utterly pointless.
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Everything in this thread just about covers what i dislike about this movie, but from the absolute dire writing to the rubbish character development, one of the biggest pains in the rear is actually the music.
Am i the only one who thought it sounded more like the soundtrack to StarTrek? It totally destroyed any suspense that the film managed to build, which wasnt much to be honest.
The machine didn't do a Caesarian on her, it did a foreign body removal procedure.

The whole head scene was just them experimenting, surely that was obvious?

And yes, the music was annoying, completely out of place at times - it would have the random stock US patriotic music that you might get in something like Saving Private Ryan
Everything in this thread just about covers what i dislike about this movie, but from the absolute dire writing to the rubbish character development, one of the biggest pains in the rear is actually the music.
Am i the only one who thought it sounded more like the soundtrack to StarTrek? It totally destroyed any suspense that the film managed to build, which wasnt much to be honest.

yes i did find the music annoying - there were several scenes when people were talking when i just thought 'damn i wish that music would stop' - it totally took me out of the film. a lot of modern films don't seem to realise that some things are better in silence.
The machine didn't do a Caesarian on her, it did a foreign body removal procedure.

The whole head scene was just them experimenting, surely that was obvious?

And yes, the music was annoying, completely out of place at times - it would have the random stock US patriotic music that you might get in something like Saving Private Ryan

they should have just changed that scene "yes I can do that procedure", and then have it laser / beam her shut, at least her amazing recovery would not have seemed so out of place then
did anyone else find holloways attitude towards david (because he was an android) a little strange for a person who was supposed to be so open to possibilities?

Ha, definitely! I came out of the film saying how casually racist it was towards androids :p
Question though which no one seems to have picked up on...

The machine is set up for male patients only... yet Vickers says she brought along the capsule for herself to keep her well in case the worst happens (she confirms that when she meets the scientists in her quarters) so unless she is a chick with a **** why the heck is machine set up to heal men? :confused:

Another stupid plot hole for you right there :p
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