It doesn't take an inquisitive viewer to have a hundred questions after watching Prometheus because that's how the thing is written. That style of storytelling is just not for me, I'm ok with filling in some of the blanks, I'm also fine with some of those blanks not actually mattering at all, having to fill in the blanks 10+ times throughout the course of one film is not something I've ever enjoyed.
Despite my extremely reserved post a few pages ago - I don't think I've ever watched a film so indulgent in poor, lazy, hackneyed script writing. Nothing is explained. Things that are integral to the understanding of the plot, the motivations of the characters and the narrative of the film are willfully and directly shown, then put away into a cardboard box with "Spooky Mysteries!" written on the side.
I cannot think of a part of the film that isn't stupid, unexplained, wrong (in terms of continuity) or just plain ****.
I'll present a good example:
David was shown to be masterfully dexterous in the opening of the film. Riding the bicycle around the confined space whilst playing perfectly with the basketball.
Less than 15 minutes later, we are expected to understand
and believe that an exploration mission, costing $1 trillion, would have a security detail consisting of a single human geologist?
A human geologist who evidently has little physical strength (the captain is significantly larger / stronger than him), questionable motivations (Security detail? Isn't he a geologist? But doesn't he later say they don't even care about the rocks? Why is he even there!? I don't even... Anyway) and who is easily persuaded by someone only notionally in authority
not to carry out his job.
Meanwhile, on the same mission, our robotically strong, dexterous, intelligent, quick-thinking and mission-conscious robot friend is
not tasked with the safety of the other crew members on the mission, jeopardising the entire endeavour for no other reason than
The script is ****ing ****.