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***The Official Ray Tracing Thread - Read the First Post before posting***

18 Mar 2007
to me it looks like in that res evil video the denoiser is glitching or not even working at times is this a mod or patch ?

on a different note this ray tracing is overrated until they put it in mine sweeper ;) on a serious note i could do with getting access to members market for when i get a 5090 :D
4 Jun 2009
to me it looks like in that res evil video the denoiser is glitching or not even working at times is this a mod or patch ?

on a different note this ray tracing is overrated until they put it in mine sweeper ;) on a serious note i could do with getting access to members market for when i get a 5090 :D

It's a mod so not quite perfect although iirc, the denoiser setting can be upped but then performance tanks.
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
I found this Nvidia test sample in an Unreal Engine plugin, so i had some fun modifying it.
Only RTX works on AMD, RDNA 3 tested, i don't have an Nvidia GPU so....

Because its an installer some browsers are complaining Microsoft didn't get their $150,000 to give it the friction free go head.

So i put it ion a Zip folder and uploaded that here.

14 Aug 2009
Reminds me of people always choosing the more contrasty visuals over the brightened ones when they had a console war.

Only now they use RT to give a more contrasty look.

I dunno, just bang up the contrast and lower the brightness, better yet do HDR on an OLED.

It's not that simple. Easiest to prove - someone could grab a screenshot of where you have the RT/PT effects. On the Raster image just increase contrast, see if that helps to have it exactly as the RT/PT one. I guess it will hard to do since contrast doesn't draw shadows and reflections. :)

To give you an analogy, you simply can't make your n00b phone photo/movie to the same level of quality a cinematographer would do just by increasing the contrast. That increased contrast is a consequence of RT/PT since some areas are getting more shadows (darker).
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Just spun up The First Descendant for the first time.

The difference between High RT and Ultra RT is massive, from averaging 80 FPS to averaging 30 FPS, that's bonkers!

Its perfectly playable with High RT, what even is the point of Ultra?
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