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***The Official Ray Tracing Thread - Read the First Post before posting***



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Yup we really need the next gen gpus for UE 5 titles tbh, even 4090 isn't holding up great, some UE 5 games are better than others though but still, gpus are starting to show their age with these newer engines.
I don't think it's the GPU tech right now, as a 4090 is more than capable of triple figure framerates , my point was that path tracing gives better performance in those games than just RT enabled in UE5 in games like Descendant - Which indicates poor optimisation still in UE by devs of those games, whilst other games that use hybrid RT like Still Wakes the Deep run at triple fps even with DLAA thanks to excellent optimisation. Hellblade 2 is the same as well and that had some amazing particle effects and use of Nanite/Lumen.
4 Jun 2009
I don't think it's the GPU tech right now, as a 4090 is more than capable of triple figure framerates , my point was that path tracing gives better performance in those games than just RT enabled in UE5 in games like Descendant - Which indicates poor optimisation still in UE by devs of those games, whilst other games that use hybrid RT like Still Wakes the Deep run at triple fps even with DLAA thanks to excellent optimisation. Hellblade 2 is the same as well and that had some amazing particle effects and use of Nanite/Lumen.

It's both imo. Hellblade 2 is incredibly hard hitting as well, even without RT. Isn't still wakes deep pretty linear/tunnel like?

Funny thing is vram usage optimisation is incredible in UE 5 though :cry:

2 main UE 5 games I can think of that run pretty well are palworld and robocop but they're both quite basic and linear when compared to something like cp 2077.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Hellblade 2 runs at triple figure framerates regardless of upscaling being used, so no it's very well optimised between all these UE5 games I've been playing lately. Still Wakes is linear yes, but it's using a lot of Nanite/Lumen all the same.
4 Jun 2009
Hellblade 2 runs at triple figure framerates regardless of upscaling being used, so no it's very well optimised between all these UE5 games I've been playing lately. Still Wakes is linear yes, but it's using a lot of Nanite/Lumen all the same.

On a 4090, sure.... :p but it's pretty poor performance on most gpus. Hellblade 2 is also pretty linear/small too.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
That's what I'm saying, on a 4090 First Descendant runs crap until you enable frame gen, only then does the framerate exceed 100fps, otherwise it's 60fps or less lol. That's poor optimisation, meanwhile those other UE5 games run well above 60fps even with DLAA.

The real UE5 truth will be next month with Wukong, the first UE5 game with path tracing. I fully expect it to run like Cyberpunk/Alan Wake 2, aka 100fps at 4K utilising all the RTX tech properly.
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4 Jun 2009
That's what I'm saying, on a 4090 First Descendant runs crap until you enable frame gen, only then does the framerate exceed 100fps, otherwise it's 60fps or less lol. That's poor optimisation, meanwhile those other UE5 games run well above 60fps even with DLAA.

Hellblade 2 barely breaks 60 fps on a 4090 without upscaling iirc? Not sure I would say that is well optimised although compared to first descendant, yes better optimised but doesn't mean it is good still.... Robocop and palworld are the only 2 UE 5 games I know of that run that I would consider well.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I re-downloaded all 47GB just to do this :p

This is with the letterbox removal hax btw, so performance is even lower. Out of the box it's 70+ fps at ultrawide 4K.

DLAA at 4K still averaging much higher fps than the 37fps I saw on First Descendant whilst staring at a wall lol. And Hellblade 2's sub 60fps is way more responsive with the mouse than the visible lag on Descendant as well. It seems to have mouse RAW input and Reflex properly implemented. But we're talking 4K here, so naturally you wouldn't be using meagre DLAA anyway as DLSS is just better, Quality ramps it up to the high 70s average, whilst Performance takes it to 100fps, Frame Gen then takes it to over 140fps. All settings have smooth frame and mouse motion, unlike in other UE5 games at 4K when matching the settings like for like.

Robocop is very linear with photogrammetry lashed everywhere, that's the only reason it looks good, otherwise it doesn't use any of the advanced stuff from UE5 to run poorly anyway.
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