**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

MooSey-UK said:
Could'nt remember the name from ingame so i had a look at the german STALKER site (oblivion lost or summat like that). its a 5.56 assult rifle, bit like a colt commando. got it in the fight around the downed chopper helping the enviromentalists and it's the same area as the search for the family rifle.
wish these guns had the proper NATO names, I know what they are but can't ever recall their game name.
That is propably called a TSR 301 in the game, it can mount a grenade launcher and scope, it is a good weapon but not quite as damaging as the GP-37's found in the Warehouse area but better than a IL86
Im afraid all those names are gobbledegook to me :D
I don't really pay much attention to the ingame made up names. Why they could'nt call the weapons by their correct names I'll never know.
Just got another reply from THQ support re the radiation bug some peeps are having. They have tried to reproduce this bug on two computers in their office but can't figure it out.
heres their reply: needless to say I asked for a savegameto be sent

Further to your correspondence of 14 June 2007

There are a couple of areas in the Dark Valley level that the Stalker suit would not protect against. However, in your saved game you appear to be experiencing this high level of radiation in all areas of the level, this should not be.

We have tried on several occasions to reproduce this issue on two different PC's and from different saved games. It may be that your saved game has become corrupted somehow. The only way to be certain of this would be to begin a new game and travel back to Dark Valley.

If you wish we can send you a saved game which would hopefully allow to play normally without having to start again. If you would like us to do this please get back to us and let us know.
Well I've got as far as Pipryat on Veteran and on patch 1.3. Had to do it all again after patching.

I wanted to get to the point where you can't go back. More or less at the Ferris wheel.

From here I'm going to go back do the side missions and then kill everyone. :D

Strangely theres only one or two left in Cordon this time through. There was a fire fight quite early in the game and it wiped most of them out.

Freedom shouldn't be too hard but killing everyone at duty is going to take some doing!
I met my first bloodsucker tonight.
im at the dark valley labs about to get the military documents, there's lots of spooky noises coming from down the stairs.
got scared and had to leave it there......... :eek:
n00b problem here. have bought the SPSA14 shotty (I think the repair mod lets you buy all weapons etc as im sure it's not a weapon you can buy standard)
and I can't change ammo types. it'll fire the standard 12x70 shot but hitting 'Y' to change to 12x76 slugs no worky.
I really want to see those slugs tear bloodsuckers up!
Any ideas?

did the X18 lab last night. God I got scared. Had headphones on loud and wifey crept up and grabbed my shoulder. I pooped me keks and lept a mile :eek:
MooSey-UK said:
n00b problem here. have bought the SPSA14 shotty (I think the repair mod lets you buy all weapons etc as im sure it's not a weapon you can buy standard)
and I can't change ammo types. it'll fire the standard 12x70 shot but hitting 'Y' to change to 12x76 slugs no worky.
I really want to see those slugs tear bloodsuckers up!
Any ideas?
I assume you have those slugs in your inventory?

Look in the wepon stats to see if the weapon can take those slugs? (I hardly ever used a shotgun)
MooSey-UK said:
n00b problem here. have bought the SPSA14 shotty (I think the repair mod lets you buy all weapons etc as im sure it's not a weapon you can buy standard)
and I can't change ammo types. it'll fire the standard 12x70 shot but hitting 'Y' to change to 12x76 slugs no worky.
I really want to see those slugs tear bloodsuckers up!
Any ideas?

did the X18 lab last night. God I got scared. Had headphones on loud and wifey crept up and grabbed my shoulder. I pooped me keks and lept a mile :eek:

I have the same problem with shotguns, unload it from the inventory screen then switch ammo from the game screen.
Usher said:
Just got another reply from THQ support re the radiation bug some peeps are having. They have tried to reproduce this bug on two computers in their office but can't figure it out.
heres their reply: needless to say I asked for a savegameto be sent

Further to your correspondence of 14 June 2007

There are a couple of areas in the Dark Valley level that the Stalker suit would not protect against. However, in your saved game you appear to be experiencing this high level of radiation in all areas of the level, this should not be.

We have tried on several occasions to reproduce this issue on two different PC's and from different saved games. It may be that your saved game has become corrupted somehow. The only way to be certain of this would be to begin a new game and travel back to Dark Valley.

If you wish we can send you a saved game which would hopefully allow to play normally without having to start again. If you would like us to do this please get back to us and let us know.

I came accross this bug a week or so ago when playing through a second time. What i thought had caused it was that i had a high level of radiation coming back out of Agroprom (i think) and the red radiation icon was showing when i made the transition to the next level (back to Garbage). Once in Garbage i was unable to get rid of the radiation effect no matter what i did.

Reloading made no difference. The only way i got rid of it was to reload from my last autosave a while back in the previous level, rather than from my quicksave. It was fine after that.

tbh though i doubt that it really is caused by something as simple as being affected by radiation whilst changing level. I would have thought that would be easily spotted during testing.
does anyone know of any tweaks for stalker??? rebuilt by system a month ago and havnt had the urge to re install yet, just wondering if theres any patches/mods available to neaten it up (im sure there been some mentioned already, but not in the mood for trawling the entire thread :p )
machinauk said:
does anyone know of any tweaks for stalker??? rebuilt by system a month ago and havnt had the urge to re install yet, just wondering if theres any patches/mods available to neaten it up (im sure there been some mentioned already, but not in the mood for trawling the entire thread :p )

This rather oddly named website has fixes & various enhancements & a new version is out this week.
Importantly ! they just announced that the fixes will be part of the next official Stalker patch 1.0004 as they improve framerates amongst other things. Its called float32 & I installed it & everything looks a lot better & runs smoother


The download is small & free with no signup required
Usher said:
This rather oddly named website has fixes & various enhancements & a new version is out this week.
Importantly ! they just announced that the fixes will be part of the next official Stalker patch 1.0004 as they improve framerates amongst other things. Its called float32 & I installed it & everything looks a lot better & runs smoother


The download is small & free with no signup required

websites playing up at the mo, but cheers dude, i'll check it out later
\o/ things are getting exciting now.. I've just come back from turning off the brain scortcher in red forest. I've just gone back to Bar to sell off some access stock for cash.. then I'll head back into Yantar to finish one final side mission before I head off to Pipryat. Whilst i'm in Yantar I'll pick up the SSP-99M suit. I didn't have enough money earlier.. I had to make do with the middle one.

I'm really looking forward to cossing into Pipryat because i'll know that the game is coming to it's conclusion. :) Have I heard right that once crossed there is no turning back?

Has anyone taken either Duty or Freedom sides? I'm still neutral with both as I'm still in and out of the Rostok/Yantar traders and I'll be passing the freedom base to make tracks to Pipryat. Seems silly making work for ones self.
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First of all the vitals:

AMD X2 4200+
Asus M2N4-SLi mobo (yeah I know this lets it down)
Asus nVidia 8800 GTS 640mb (overclocked, 630mhz core, 1029mhz memory)
2gb (2x1gb) Geil Ultra 6400 ram
OCZ stealth xstream 600w psu
2 Western Digital 160gb SATA HDD running in RAID
Windows XP SP2

System runs extremely cool even when stressed.

The problem: I probably average around 25-30fps outdoors with everything on, 1440x900 resolution. Considering I average 40fps+ playing Oblivion with some very intensive graphicals mods installed and everything on full this performance in stalker is shoddy.

The real problem is during the indoor segments though. Of particular interest is that the serious slowdown (10fps or less) only occurs when my character is looking in a particular direction in the indoor parts of the game. This suggests some kind of bottleneck which I'd guess is related to the 8800 card. My suspicion is that stalker uses some kind of lighting effect indoors which the 8800 cards really don't like and it slows the whole thing down to a crawl.

Having said I'm no expert which is why I'm querying it here!

Has anyone else experienced similar slowdown indoors and pretty poor performance in general?

Game tends to lock up at stages during texture loading bit only a blip. I have read that because of it's DX8 origins, the code is pretty poor and therefore inefficient so this might have something to do it. the GTS should run this no problems so I'm wondering if it's also a CPU limitation. The 4200+ only has 512Mb L2 cache so that may make a difference.
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I'm waiting for them to bring out a mod where the game stays playable once you've completed it, so I can go back and complete the side missions properly.
The reason we get poor framerates outdoors apart from bad coding is that there are so many things going on which don't occur in games like Oblivion

The anomalies are flickering just about everywhere as are roaming packs of dogs
+ radiation effects in some areas etc.& the bodies of the dead humans & animals stay put so as the game progresses it takes more CPU power to keep it all going. Returning to previously covered territory reveals the bandits you killed are still there but yet another lot have replaced them.
It has been pointed out somewhere that if you unload a lot of your stash before entering some indoor areas it improves your framerate, collect it on your return. i.e. if not in a radiation area then unload all your vodka, needles,food etc. also ammunition & weapons you may not use.
I have a somewhat similar spec as you, a little more overclocked and experience the same, indoors is much more stressing than outdoors.

What I did was lower some of the sliders, especially the lighting distance and anisotropic filtering from 16x to 4x to get it to a playable framerate with Full Dynamic LIghting at 1280*1024

My advice is to just test a few detail settings a little lower and see if that helps the framerate, there is nothing wrong with your setup though it is the game that is the problem, it does run much worse than Oblivion no matter what you do.
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