**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

gobrun said:
First of all the vitals:

AMD X2 4200+
Asus M2N4-SLi mobo (yeah I know this lets it down)
Asus nVidia 8800 GTS 640mb (overclocked, 630mhz core, 1029mhz memory)
2gb (2x1gb) Geil Ultra 6400 ram
OCZ stealth xstream 600w psu
2 Western Digital 160gb SATA HDD running in RAID
Windows XP SP2

System runs extremely cool even when stressed.

The problem: I probably average around 25-30fps outdoors with everything on, 1440x900 resolution. Considering I average 40fps+ playing Oblivion with some very intensive graphicals mods installed and everything on full this performance in stalker is shoddy.

The real problem is during the indoor segments though. Of particular interest is that the serious slowdown (10fps or less) only occurs when my character is looking in a particular direction in the indoor parts of the game. This suggests some kind of bottleneck which I'd guess is related to the 8800 card. My suspicion is that stalker uses some kind of lighting effect indoors which the 8800 cards really don't like and it slows the whole thing down to a crawl.

Having said I'm no expert which is why I'm querying it here!

Has anyone else experienced similar slowdown indoors and pretty poor performance in general?


I had exactly the same issue, regardless of screen res (tried various as I thought it was the gfx card which is a 8800GTS 320mb). Personally I think its a CPU bottleneck as it would drop quite badly indoors even if i put settings lower.

Outside it was fine and usually ran over 30 or 40fps easily, even with a bit going on.

This was with dynamic lighting and most things on high.

I might restart the game again, I did enjoy playing it but I think I rushed through it so that I can explore more.
Preparing for Pipyrat is prroving to be a pain.

I've gone back to Yantar after switching off the brain scortcher but I'm at least 30k from buying the gren suit. Another reason for going back to Yantar, is that the Freedom leader wants a space suit left in the yard of the labs..

By the way, has anyone noticed a few bug when returning to Yantar the 2nd or 3rd time?

1. the game falls over and goes back desktop around the lab area, in particular just behind to the right side facing.

2. The profressors arm appears through the door to the lab and you can't get in.

3. You are assigned all the side tasks whether you like it or not..
Admiral Huddy said:
1. the game falls over and goes back desktop around the lab area, in particular just behind to the right side facing.

2. The profressors arm appears through the door to the lab and you can't get in.

3. You are assigned all the side tasks whether you like it or not..
1. I haven't experienced that

2. I had him standing in front of the door so I could not get out.

3. I got that as well.

What suits have you got at the moment, haven't you got a SEVA or SSP-99M (green) or a SSP-99 (Orange) suit?
hha I had the problem where he blocked the door going out on my first visit :D

I have a SEVA but it's half damaged.. I'm not sure it's going to be good enough for Pipyrat and the NPP which is where I'm asuming I'll need it.

I've just googled the crash.. there appears to be a few people having the same problem. It's only in one spot which is weird..
I've just installed STALKER and the 2 patches and when the first level loads all I get is the sky and then grey everywhere else all around. Is this right or is something wrong??
I did try uninstall and then reinstall and loaded the game without the patches and I still get the same.
allosunshine said:
I've just installed STALKER and the 2 patches and when the first level loads all I get is the sky and then grey everywhere else all around. Is this right or is something wrong??
I did try uninstall and then reinstall and loaded the game without the patches and I still get the same.
- What Nvidia driver version are you using?
- Vista or XP?
There have been (or are) major issues with Vista and AFAIK it wouldn't even work under Vista with the release v1.0

Maybe check the release notes to see if there have been Vista realted problems solved.

Also I have read that different driver versions are better for the game than others, you could try installing a previous version 158.xx to see if that helps.
allosunshine said:
I've just installed STALKER and the 2 patches and when the first level loads all I get is the sky and then grey everywhere else all around. Is this right or is something wrong??
I did try uninstall and then reinstall and loaded the game without the patches and I still get the same.

well known problem in Vista, you have to set the AA in the Nvidia Control Panel to Application Controlled. :)

I thought the 4th patch would have been out long before now, they were supposedly going to release a small patch inbetween, but that was months ago now.
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Admiral Huddy said:
1. the game falls over and goes back desktop around the lab area, in particular just behind to the right side facing.

I had that happen to me a few times but this was with the previous patch. I recall reading somewhere that the latest patch fixed some sort of bug in the Yantar level so it may well be fixed now.
dante6491 said:
isnt the fourth patch meant to optimize the shaders a lot, i heard something like a 10% boost across the board.

Floating point has already released an optimised mini patch which will be included
in the official fourth patch. it makes mine run & look better, read about it & download it here.
A new version is out soon but the current one is excellent

I managed to get it working (Sort of) by putting it into XP compatability mode but now while playing it decides tof reeze, the screen goes blank and then after about 30 seconds it goes back to normal. WTF.

Also what Nvidia drivers seem to be working the best with STALKER, I got 160.04's, should I be giong back to an older version??
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Usher said:
Floating point has already released an optimised mini patch which will be included
in the official fourth patch. it makes mine run & look better, read about it & download it here.
A new version is out soon but the current one is excellent


Great thanks :)

Yantar was bombing out each time.. Got the floatingpoint32 fix from Gamespot..

Works fine now...

once again thanks very much... :)
Progressed nicely last night after fixing the bug.. I managed to get my expensive SSP-99M green spacesuit :) by poping back to Wildlands and picking up at least 12 Fireballs. At 2500R each, this helped pay for the difference in funds.

I then headed back to Bar to prepare fo Pripyat. I'm not intending to return to Bar, so I sold every thing I don't need or stuff I'll know I wont need.

I manange to return the suti to the freedom boss and have flown through to Pripyat. I've just got myself into the Hotel and collect the stash in there. There's a decent Comabt outfit in the same room. :) I seem to be collecting different armed suits..

I now have a decision to make. I'm pretty well stocked up on ammo (loads of it, I',m not sure what's what to be honest) and have 2 decent guns but I have left behind a few side missions. So, i'm not sure if I should pop back to the Warehouses and finish them off before continuing to the NPP.

What's this I here about a FALSE ending?
Admiral Huddy said:
What's this I here about a FALSE ending?
Here is what I know, which might be wrong.

You need to go back and do a side mission to get more info on Strelok before going to NPP
Later on when you get the option to go to the Wishmaker do not go there but find the secret door (I think it is a side shaft with a stair going up)
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