**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Switched to Satic Lighting and now it works flawlessly in Vista 64. Been playing a while now with no crashes. Sigh. I don't want to play any more 'cause I know I'm missing out on some beautiful graphics.
Ok so i just bought this today with great excitement, and it refuses to even start :mad:

I meet the reccomended reqs just fine and I'm running xp.
All I get on clicking the icon is the hourglass then nothing....... and taskmanager has the exe down as running in the background. Anyone else have this problem or any sugesstions?
Ulfhedjinn said:
Nope, I am using good old fashioned Windows XP.

I should add that I've not had a single crash, just graphical/AI glitches mostly and bad performance.

What are you saying here, exactly? That I am not entitled to an opinion, or only a positive one?
Nope i am not saying that at all. Just get a bit wound up when people are so overly one sided just to prove a point. That happens a lot on forums and it is really frustrating, it gives a totally unbalanced view of the game/system/whatever as a whole. It seemed like you had been doing this based on recent posts but obviously i missed most of the other bits so my bad.

Ulfhedjinn said:
Misunderstood you, and that was my mistake. Someone recently said that "my mate" has been playing a leaked alpha and not a current build of the games, and that it's why he is having problems with it. Thought you were saying the same thing, if not then I take it back. :)

Would love to hear how you get it working, if you do.

Can't figure it out for the life of me, and vsync seems to only work when it wants to.
It was me that made a comment as to you possibly having a different build, because you had such a different experience to other people. I certainly wasn't saying Alpha standard, more like one iteration before the release candidate. If you are sure you got the right build then okey doke.
There was a comment over at Rage about it seeming like 2 versions have been shipped, a few getting the shoddy one and the rest getting the good one. It really does seem that way based on comments.

Ulfhedjinn said:
I have made tons of positive comments about this game, people like you just seem to be ignoring them. The atmosphere is great and the music is fantastic, the AI is also generally great (but when it glitches, and it does a lot, it glitches hard.)
I clearly have missed them :p I wouldn't ignore it if i saw it though. Glad to hear it though (aside from the glitches).

Ulfhedjinn said:
I love the atmosphere of the game, I cannot emphasise that enough. I am having such a negative opinion though because the bugs, glitches and performance issues absolutely ruin any sense of immersion.

For me this has always been a game about immersion, and if the due patch fixes all these bugs then this will be the most immersive game I have ever played. I hope so too, because then I'll actually pay for the thing.
I agree entirely, just you really do seem to be having a far worse experience in terms of glitches/performance than the majority of people that i have seen comment.
Apparently they started working on a patch as soon as the game went gold so i hope they get one out early.
Id rather lots of smaller patches fixing various things than have to wait for 1 big one to fix it all.
Getting the thing working in Vista will be the priority no doubt. Then i hope the PDA/Missions get a tweak.
I think I am gonna uninstall the game, it seems loads of people are having problems with new games, and most people have 8800 series cards, so what is it? badly coded game? or crappy Nvidia drivers and incompatability with 8800 series cards?

At least I know at the moment 15fps is ok for me :mad:
RuMp3l4$k1n said:
Ok so i just bought this today with great excitement, and it refuses to even start :mad:

I meet the reccomended reqs just fine and I'm running xp.
All I get on clicking the icon is the hourglass then nothing....... and taskmanager has the exe down as running in the background. Anyone else have this problem or any sugesstions?
yes this happened to me, i got so frustrated when i realised all i needed to do was kill off all background processes i dont need like xfire and stuff, then bam it works, not sure what program was causing the problem because i done it in a oner, so experiment with that and reoprt back.
steve45 said:
yes this happened to me, i got so frustrated when i realised all i needed to do was kill off all background processes i dont need like xfire and stuff, then bam it works, not sure what program was causing the problem because i done it in a oner, so experiment with that and reoprt back.

I find that it helps to start the program direct from the EXE rather than the shortcut.

Edit: thats bs ignore. :)

How do I get out of garbage!! I cant get through to get the military docs need a radiation suit but i cant find one.
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Lt Goody said:
Use the bolt in the tunnel m8.

Tried going throught the train tunnel, as well as along the path past the blockade a few times yesterday but i just got hazardous radiation warnings. Smashed throught the blockade today and just ran through with no warning :S.
Screenie with ladders. Still see aa on the right side ladder on the right side part of it in middle.

Btw aa fully works in dx8 mode (static lighting). Well thats what i heard in stalker forums.
SkeeterPSA said:
Screenie with ladders. Still see aa on the right side ladder on the right side part of it in middle.
Yup, that's because antialiasing in this game does not work because of the deferred engine. It uses a cheap knock-off blur effect instead to pretend it's antialiased, and it doesn't work at all. :(

SkeeterPSA said:
Btw aa fully works in dx8 mode (static lighting). Well thats what i heard in stalker forums.
I can't speak for DirectX 8 mode because this game looks crap enough in DirectX 9 mode, and I refuse to lower it. In DirectX 9 mode I have to force AA in the LTX files and/or console, otherwise it refuses to work.

P.S. Vsync just broke for me again, anyone got any ideas?
Get a external program that forces a refresh rate per resolution setting. Perhaps?

Oh i know about aa not working and all that crap mate. Just was woundering what u meant by you got aa to work thats all and looks like it didnt. Compared to what us all were expecting when you said aa was working for you.
Finally managed to slaughter all the guys at the research institute, stole the documents and was wondering around when backup arrived, I legged it out a side exit narrowly dodging an anomaly and followed a path into a small forrest, nearly got raped by some mutated pig dog things, almost ran right into a forest of anomalies and legged it past a checkpoint.

Now I'm in the bar being protected by Duty and sipping a nice cold class of beer. :P
Nieldo said:
Finally managed to slaughter all the guys at the research institute, stole the documents and was wondering around when backup arrived, I legged it out a side exit narrowly dodging an anomaly and followed a path into a small forrest, nearly got raped by some mutated pig dog things, almost ran right into a forest of anomalies and legged it past a checkpoint.

Now I'm in the bar being protected by Duty and sipping a nice cold class of beer. :P

:D Sounds awesome, and all before bed.

edit: Re: those who got dispatch emails from powerpoopdirect.com, do you think we'll get our games tommorow? :(
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