**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Hector said:
he should be standing at the entrance of the barn. are there any grey dots on your hud map around that area? i wonder if he's dead.. if you click the PDA's quest stage's (return for the reward) green target icon, it should take your map to him even if dead.

perhaps not an issue here but in that area i have had a few issues with quests. sometimes they don't trigger as complete but if i save, upon reloading that save the mission complete is triggered.. this mostly happens with 'border defence'.
Thanks Hector, if I click the green target icon (return for reward) the map takes me to the farmstead??
Sonic Boom said:
O.k I got the game yesterday from my wife for my B day.

Machine stats

P4 2.5 ghz
512 memory( I know it's the min needed)
Radeon X1650 pro 256 mb
500w power supply


I tried the game out on an A64 3500+/9800 pro 128mb/1gb DDR 266 and with the static lighting mode the game ran very smooth even with most of the other settings pushed up high, hence I'm pretty sure it should run more than fine on your system. Maybe the 512mb of ram is hindering performance?

In any case I strongly recommend that you hold off playing the game untill you build your new system since the static lighting mode really spoils the amazing atmosphere the game creates which is one of the best aspects of this game in my opinion.
By the way I'm about to go into Pripyat (or whatever its called) and I'm wondering if its worth buying the exoskeleton from the Freedom trader? Is it worth the 200k price tag? Will I find this lying around in the areas up north? What about the Seva suit?

Apart from a shotgun I bought specifically for a mission, I've yet to actually buy any weapons. They all have ridiculous prices and you always end up finding them on dead enemies not a long while after.
titaniumx3 said:
By the way I'm about to go into Pripyat (or whatever its called) and I'm wondering if its worth buying the exoskeleton from the Freedom trader? Is it worth the 200k price tag? Will I find this lying around in the areas up north? What about the Seva suit?

Apart from a shotgun I bought specifically for a mission, I've yet to actually buy any weapons. They all have ridiculous prices and you always end up finding them on dead enemies not a long while after.

Yes you can pick up the exo later in the game, but you cant run when wearing it :( Its a good suit though. Im the same, i havent bought any weapons yet, mainly suits and some ammo. The rest you can pick up along the way. I wish suits could be repaired, that would save me some money :)
arrond said:
Yes you can pick up the exo later in the game, but you cant run when wearing it :( Its a good suit though. Im the same, i havent bought any weapons yet, mainly suits and some ammo. The rest you can pick up along the way. I wish suits could be repaired, that would save me some money :)

I personally finished the game using only the Seva suit, I actually bought it because I thought it looks slightly better than the duty suit with identical stats :P
Velocity219e said:
I personally finished the game using only the Seva suit, I actually bought it because I thought it looks slightly better than the duty suit with identical stats :P

Has it? I didnt know that. Im playing through again cos i rushed the first go. The game is lot bigger than i thought with all the side missions. I hope they bring out decent patches to keep improving the game.
ATi Problems and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

I have now read in a number of forums as well as the amount of bugs in STALKER!, there is far too much of a performance hit between some settings, lighting, texture detail, etc. (I can run most new games, including Supreme Commander, CoH, etc maxed out!) The game, I've heard, does not seem to llike Catalyst Control Center and the CCC monitoring program, MOM running when the game does!
Best thing to do here is to increase game performance is:
(i) bring up the task manager (CNTL+ALT+DELETE)
(ii) Stop the two processes related to Control Centre (CCC.exe and MOM.exe)
(iii) Run the game
For X16K based cards and earlier turn off the DX9 rendering (Dynamic Lighting) they wont handle it very well! Stick to Static Lighting (DX8 rendering)
Put Texture Detail slidebar to about 60% game should run fine!
I have downloaded FRAPs, and I will be able to see what performance hits I take by running AA and AF, also I will run Quality Adaptive AA, and High Quality AF samples, and see how that goes!, I was running the game last night, most settings were cranked up, no AA or AF though, (1024x768) Full Dynamic Lighting was on, game was very playable, only stuttered slightly when loading new terrain! Fine during gunfights etc.
Some people have also stated that the game may have a few 'memory leaks' due to bad coding!, this though, I cannot confirm!. They have stated that after playing the game for a while with kickass rigs, (E6600 overclocked, 2Gigs fast DDR2, 8800GTX, etc) the game seemed to stutter or lag. Using ALT+TAB to switch Windows (back to desktop then back to the game) seemed to solve there issue(s) and the framerate increased!
Out of curiousity, are there any of you gamers out there with a similar rig to mine? (see sig) If so, what is your setup, performance (frame rates, etc) like for the game? It would be nice to know!
Jonnygrunge said:
I have now read in a number of forums as well as the amount of bugs in STALKER!, there is far too much of a performance hit between some settings, lighting, texture detail, etc. (I can run most new games, including Supreme Commander, CoH, etc maxed out!) The game, I've heard, does not seem to llike Catalyst Control Center and the CCC monitoring program, MOM running when the game does!
Best thing to do here is to increase game performance is:
(i) bring up the task manager (CNTL+ALT+DELETE)
(ii) Stop the two processes related to Control Centre (CCC.exe and MOM.exe)
(iii) Run the game
For X16K based cards and earlier turn off the DX9 rendering (Dynamic Lighting) they wont handle it very well! Stick to Static Lighting (DX8 rendering)
Put Texture Detail slidebar to about 60% game should run fine!
I have downloaded FRAPs, and I will be able to see what performance hits I take by running AA and AF, also I will run Quality Adaptive AA, and High Quality AF samples, and see how that goes!, I was running the game last night, most settings were cranked up, no AA or AF though, (1024x768) Full Dynamic Lighting was on, game was very playable, only stuttered slightly when loading new terrain! Fine during gunfights etc.
Some people have also stated that the game may have a few 'memory leaks' due to bad coding!, this though, I cannot confirm!. They have stated that after playing the game for a while with kickass rigs, (E6600 overclocked, 2Gigs fast DDR2, 8800GTX, etc) the game seemed to stutter or lag. Using ALT+TAB to switch Windows (back to desktop then back to the game) seemed to solve there issue(s) and the framerate increased!
Out of curiousity, are there any of you gamers out there with a similar rig to mine? (see sig) If so, what is your setup, performance (frame rates, etc) like for the game? It would be nice to know!

I have almost an identical rig, 4400 @ stock, 2gb xms, x1900xt (xtx speeds)

Currently playing at 1280x1024, every setting on max, static lighting (game crashes repeatedly with dynamic. Averaging 100fps (80-130), lowest i've seen is around 60fps.
there is a nice suit in the base you first start in.
you need to do some jumpng and climbing to get to the crate.
Its in the rafters of one of the buildings.
good luck!


Anyone know which door this keycode opens?


Best game so far this year.
Toothpick, spoiler for the code < the code is for one of two doors in the brain scorcher, i've never found the code for the other.>
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Toothpick said:
there is a nice suit in the base you first start in.
you need to do some jumpng and climbing to get to the crate.
Its in the rafters of one of the buildings.
good luck!

How nice? I already have two 30k+ suits, is it worth walking from one side of the map to the other just for this suit?
keogh said:
I got another question... full of em today!

How comes when I attach artifcats to my belt, it will gladly show me the - (minus) attributes to the artifact, but it wont show the + (plus) attributes?

So for example, I have +40% of whatever, and the artifact I have attached should give me an extra +10% of that, it doesn't go up? It stays at +40%? Should it do this? Or is there sumin I am doing wrong?

Can anyone answer this... it annoys me, cos I am thinking that the stuff I attach to my belt is doing jack! Well not exactly jack, as I mentioned it happly adds the minus (red part) to my attributes!

Just when for example I have sumin that adds to my radiation protection, there is no movement in the green attribute on my suit values!
alexisonfire said:
How nice? I already have two 30k+ suits, is it worth walking from one side of the map to the other just for this suit?

Na its a good suit to start out with, but no use for you now.
Its a merc suit.

If you have negative effects listed, positive effects take away so you still see a neg number. I think the first number is your suit stats only.

I have the patch and just tried adding wrenched, its negatve radiation started to increase the yellow bar,
even though the suit has +19 protection.(so still +14 with wrenched on) I think i've found a bug, and the effect wasn't noted in the stat total. Its rupture +ve was listed however.

not all stats are listed, I couldn't tell you if they had any effect on my first run through.
Jonnygrunge said:
I have now read in a number of forums as well as the amount of bugs in STALKER!, there is far too much of a performance hit between some settings, lighting, texture detail, etc. (I can run most new games, including Supreme Commander, CoH, etc maxed out!) The game, I've heard, does not seem to llike Catalyst Control Center and the CCC monitoring program, MOM running when the game does!
Best thing to do here is to increase game performance is:
(i) bring up the task manager (CNTL+ALT+DELETE)
(ii) Stop the two processes related to Control Centre (CCC.exe and MOM.exe)
(iii) Run the game
For X16K based cards and earlier turn off the DX9 rendering (Dynamic Lighting) they wont handle it very well! Stick to Static Lighting (DX8 rendering)
Put Texture Detail slidebar to about 60% game should run fine!
I have downloaded FRAPs, and I will be able to see what performance hits I take by running AA and AF, also I will run Quality Adaptive AA, and High Quality AF samples, and see how that goes!, I was running the game last night, most settings were cranked up, no AA or AF though, (1024x768) Full Dynamic Lighting was on, game was very playable, only stuttered slightly when loading new terrain! Fine during gunfights etc.
Some people have also stated that the game may have a few 'memory leaks' due to bad coding!, this though, I cannot confirm!. They have stated that after playing the game for a while with kickass rigs, (E6600 overclocked, 2Gigs fast DDR2, 8800GTX, etc) the game seemed to stutter or lag. Using ALT+TAB to switch Windows (back to desktop then back to the game) seemed to solve there issue(s) and the framerate increased!
Out of curiousity, are there any of you gamers out there with a similar rig to mine? (see sig) If so, what is your setup, performance (frame rates, etc) like for the game? It would be nice to know!

With below rig I can run everything totally maxed out but with only static lighting and it does 40-50FPS outdoor with occasional slow down to around 30FPS, 80FPS+ indoor. The graphics is nothing too amazing but in some area it does look rather impressive.
This runs like a dog on my system, should this be the case? To be honest I haven't kept up with hardware for a while

AMD s939 3500+, 2gb PC3200 Ram, 6800GT 256mb AGP

Have to play it in 1024x768 on my widescreen, and even then its pretty gash.
PAz said:
This runs like a dog on my system, should this be the case? To be honest I haven't kept up with hardware for a while

AMD s939 3500+, 2gb PC3200 Ram, 6800GT 256mb AGP

Have to play it in 1024x768 on my widescreen, and even then its pretty gash.

Are you using dynamic lighting? If so, use static lighting.
Will have a look, thanks. Haven't played a PC game in ages (except Pro Evo and FM), but after reading a few random posts in here I thought I'd pick this up.

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