**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Just finished STALKER and I have to say I think its one of the best games of recent years. Superb atmosphere - VERY creepy at times and frantic at others. Its a bit rough around the edges - inventory system was a bit clunky but it didn't detract from the gameplay too much.

I really hope this game sells by the bucketload and it inspires other gamemakers to invest in and produce more open ended, ambitious games like this rather than the usual FPS-RPG titles.

I think everyone should play this game and get totally immersed in the atmosphere - I'll definately be playing through it again soon.
Billzz said:
Just finished STALKER and I have to say I think its one of the best games of recent years. Superb atmosphere - VERY creepy at times and frantic at others. Its a bit rough around the edges - inventory system was a bit clunky but it didn't detract from the gameplay too much.

I really hope this game sells by the bucketload and it inspires other gamemakers to invest in and produce more open ended, ambitious games like this rather than the usual FPS-RPG titles.

I think everyone should play this game and get totally immersed in the atmosphere - I'll definately be playing through it again soon.

Totally agree! Once you get past some of the bugs and annoyances (as you pointed out) the game is truly spectacular with an atmosphere most games developers can only dream of. Think of it as a hybrid of HL2, Farcry, FEAR, Silent Hill and Oblivion; then you'll quickly realise how good it is. Definitely the best game I've played this year.
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Im really getting into this game. Even when i play for 30minutes, forget to save, die, swear at the screen, and close the game. 10minutes later i find myself loading it back up to carry on playing. I really love the freedom of gameplay, and agreed with the above posts, the atmosphere is brilliant! Especially underground :D :D :D
BTW I just checked ATI tools and indeed the game under the full dynamic light renderer is a complete system hog. GPU temps were almost hitting 90C, CPU was hitting temperatures similiar to what I get after several hours of prime95 and the amount of graphics memory available went down from 512mb to 0mb! :eek:
I installed and first played Stalker on monday after waiting since early 2004 it is 100% worth the wait.
What a cracking game, i'm only not playing it now as i don't want to get on the bad side of the gf ;)

The atmosphere is great and so are the graphics (even though i can't have them that high)

I just feel sorry for the guys who are having problems :(
I'm also loving it, very good game. What I love about it is that you never know what's coming next. There's always more to discover and play for which is what I think is lacking in a lot of titles. I have no idea what I'm going to come across in the center of the zone or what new tech I'm going to get.

I rate it as one of my favorite games of all time so far, just wish I had better hardware :(
Last Kronin said:
Theres a few things that get on my wick, main thing is

Why cant we repair the items, espically the protoypes. :confused:

Yeah i was wondering how to repair as well, that was a question i was meaning to ask on here. Im loving my main weapon at the moment, M4 style assault rifle with laser scope and grenade launcher :D

Btw, is the rocket launcher even needed? I stored mine in a storage unit as it was so heavy.
Just installed some stalker mods, heres a list:

Trader Mod v1.1 - gives all items to all traders (v1.0 first trader only)
Edurance Mod v1.1 - gives you a weight limit of 150 intead of 50
No Degrade Unique Weapons Mod - unique weapons stay healthy (one for normal weapons too)
Real Guns Name Mod - a nice feature

The only i dont like is the endurance mod as it makes the game a bit more easier. The trader mod makes the game more fun and gives you more incentive to earn money and buy the best weapons. Only wanted the unique weapons to not degrade because i want to see and use them for longer.

Also checked out the Stalker tweak guide, made some changes and im now running the game with full dynamic lighting and some high settings and staying over 30fps :)
arrond said:
Just installed some stalker mods, heres a list:

Trader Mod v1.1 - gives all items to all traders (v1.0 first trader only)
Edurance Mod v1.1 - gives you a weight limit of 150 intead of 50
No Degrade Unique Weapons Mod - unique weapons stay healthy (one for normal weapons too)
Real Guns Name Mod - a nice feature

The only i dont like is the endurance mod as it makes the game a bit more easier. The trader mod makes the game more fun and gives you more incentive to earn money and buy the best weapons. Only wanted the unique weapons to not degrade because i want to see and use them for longer.

Also checked out the Stalker tweak guide, made some changes and im now running the game with full dynamic lighting and some high settings and staying over 30fps :)
Cool, I didn't know there were mods :cool:

Any chance of messing up the game though by installing them and using them?
I played this game for first time last night, liking it but I got a little lost trying to figure stuff out. Then I died by getting savaged by dogs and doh!! I had forgotten to save :(
Can anyone tell me where the entrance to the sewer is, I've already been through but I forgot to get Strelok's stash and can't remember where the entrance was, I have the military documents already btw
manoz said:
Can anyone tell me where the entrance to the sewer is, I've already been through but I forgot to get Strelok's stash and can't remember where the entrance was, I have the military documents already btw
<... on the west side of the north base.. or north east of the research center....>
arrond said:
Just installed some stalker mods, heres a list:

Trader Mod v1.1 - gives all items to all traders (v1.0 first trader only)
Edurance Mod v1.1 - gives you a weight limit of 150 intead of 50
No Degrade Unique Weapons Mod - unique weapons stay healthy (one for normal weapons too)
Real Guns Name Mod - a nice feature

Where do you get the mods from?
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