**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

About the only mod i would be using would be that the special weapons armor doesnt take dmg, as i bought a new suit the SEVA? went thru into another are and was instantly attacked by 12 psuedogs and dogs so there went my nice armour, sitting about 3/4 dmg :(
Last Kronin said:
About the only mod i would be using would be that the special weapons armor doesnt take dmg, as i bought a new suit the SEVA? went thru into another are and was instantly attacked by 12 psuedogs and dogs so there went my nice armour, sitting about 3/4 dmg :(

I also keep getting instantly humped by enemies (particularly dogs and bandits) when entering new areas. I hope the next patch puts an end to this. Enjoying the game despite this and other niggles.
I bought the exoskeleton from the trader at the freedom base and it is indeed very good for combat; took out the whole freedom base without quickloading, lol. That said I didn't keep it since it's useless for anomaly protection and when you go into the last sections of the game you really need the radiation protection. In any case you get to use one for free when inside the Chernobyle NPP.
Anyone else have some weird creature give you some physcological gangbanging in the sewer, man it was the most disturbing thing I've experienced in a video game :eek: Didn't happen the first time I went through there, glad I went back.
manoz said:
Anyone else have some weird creature give you some physcological gangbanging in the sewer, man it was the most disturbing thing I've experienced in a video game :eek: Didn't happen the first time I went through there, glad I went back.

I think that's a Controller, you'll meet them again. Just get in close and leather him in the head :)

If you stand off, they just keep pummelling you.
Need help


Im in x18 (i think) on the mission where you have to wear that prototype emitter deflector. Where the hell is the keycard for the door? Im locked in with only 3minutes left before i die :eek:
MoratJG said:
I think that's a Controller, you'll meet them again. Just get in close and leather him in the head :)

If you stand off, they just keep pummelling you.

Oh I let it kill me so I can see the death animation and see it do its thing again, I'll try killing it next time I boot it up.
Also need help, quite near the start of the game.

Possible Spoilers.

I've just gone underground after fighting off some of the military (looking for Strelok) and I've just resurfaced again, but I keep getting killed by radiation and don't have any vodka or anything so I was wondering if there is any sort of stuff to help with that nearby.
Tombo said:
Also need help, quite near the start of the game.

Possible Spoilers.

I've just gone underground after fighting off some of the military (looking for Strelok) and I've just resurfaced again, but I keep getting killed by radiation and don't have any vodka or anything so I was wondering if there is any sort of stuff to help with that nearby.

Use the things that look like a syringe
FOV fix:

I'm on a 1680 1050 screen playing at 1280 800 (same aspect ration)

What are the correct settings to use? I'm not too bothered, nothings stretched, just want to know how much of his arm I should see when holding a gun.
NutritioN said:
FOV fix:

I'm on a 1680 1050 screen playing at 1280 800 (same aspect ration)

What are the correct settings to use? I'm not too bothered, nothings stretched, just want to know how much of his arm I should see when holding a gun.

The FOV needs to be 115 and the aspect 0.75. If you leave the program running in the background you can tweak it in game if you want.

You should be seeing a lot of his arm and gun, not just his hand and a little of the gun.
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