**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Tom|Nbk said:
The game is set around the nuclear disastar, Chernobyl. The zone around Chernobyl is a deserted barren wasteland. Seeing hoards of people wandering about certainly spoils the mood sometimes.
I know where it's set. It's a deserted wasteland in real life because there's no sane reason to go there. In the game it's years later, there's been a second disaster and the zone is full of extremely valuable artifacts which scientists are desperate to get their hands on. That's why people are there. Plus the stalker factions all have their own reasons for being there.
Hector said:
an example of how to make the game so easy that the gameplay will become very dull in the matter of hours, if that:

That is excessive... however I don't think there is anything wrong with a mod thats puts a few more goodies on the Trader's menus. Afterall, seeing as the Zone is so populated, isn't it a fair assumption that the traders would do a fair bit of business with all the inhabitants?

I've put this mod on, and I don't think it detracts from the vanilla version at all... if anything it's made me take more side missions to earn the cash to buy the more exotic weapons. Don't like the idea of being able to carry everything - that is a game killer!
Sometimes this game can be a bit hard, I was going underground after saving Mole and got raped a couple of times by bandits with shotguns, if they got a shot off before me it killed me instantly :(

So I was saving each time I killed one :o

Is it just me or is this game a lot harder than FPS games like COD2/HL2 etc.... ??
Dutch Guy said:
Sometimes this game can be a bit hard, I was going underground after saving Mole and got raped a couple of times by bandits with shotguns, if they got a shot off before me it killed me instantly :(

So I was saving each time I killed one :o

Is it just me or is this game a lot harder than FPS games like COD2/HL2 etc.... ??

Yeah its a lot harder than hl2/cod. And has the atmosphere of doom3 without all the boring bits. After i played the MP beta of stalker i was so dissapointed. But the developers did say the whole point of stalker was the SP. Oh boy where they right. This is shaping up to be one of the best games i have ever played. PC & console.
toM123 said:
The FOV needs to be 115 and the aspect 0.75. If you leave the program running in the background you can tweak it in game if you want.

Yeah, i was playing about with F3 and F4 ingame. Surely for widescreen ratios it should be at 0.625 not .75? Not at my computer atm but doesn't your suggested setting make circles into ovals?
0.625 sqeezes the image - I'd link directly to the forum thread for the app but it has other retailers ads on it.

If you game on a widescreen I imagine you've been to the forum already tho ;)
That's what i didn't get, 0.75 is for square aspect (default) so I was trying 0.625 and then correcting it with the FOV.

New to my widescreen so haven't had any gaming issues til this one. :)
Archibald0 said:
i never thought id get there so soon tho, are there any other traders other than barkeep and the starting dude?

The only others that I know of is the Duty trader, the Freedom trader and the professor at Yantar.

The Duty trader is in the Duty base but its off limits untill you accept some sort of mission. The Freedom trader is in the Freedom HQ which is freely accessible so long as you don't upset the faction. The professor is at the mobile science facility at Yantar.
hi guys, i dont really get this game, ive been playing for about 3hrs and have just entered the dark valley.

its sort of like systemshock2 but a crap version :S with oblivion style quests thrown in.

Anyway, does this game ever get good? if so how many documents do i need to steal before that happens?
What is the purpose of STALKER, i have the game but some things just feel wierd.

I did the first quest, ran back to the camp and then i got zerged by like 10 dogs/boar things which wasnt a problem since i ran to the camp, but they started owning the npcs, half the camp is dead.

Then you have them things in the map that beep when you get closer, the radioactive beep, you run into them and get hurt.

Then you have the number in the bottom right of you map which keeps changing.

Then there is the stuff like jellyfish cap or something that improves bullet cap but adds radiation damage over time....wtf!!

I also accepted a quest to kill some trader, which i managed to complete by moving 3 steps forward.

I mean talk about not explaining anything and screwed up.
Teki187 said:
What is the purpose of STALKER, i have the game but some things just feel wierd.

I did the first quest, ran back to the camp and then i got zerged by like 10 dogs/boar things which wasnt a problem since i ran to the camp, but they started owning the npcs, half the camp is dead.

Then you have them things in the map that beep when you get closer, the radioactive beep, you run into them and get hurt.

Then you have the number in the bottom right of you map which keeps changing.

Then there is the stuff like jellyfish cap or something that improves bullet cap but adds radiation damage over time....wtf!!

I also accepted a quest to kill some trader, which i managed to complete by moving 3 steps forward.

I mean talk about not explaining anything and screwed up.

the number near the map is how many stalkers are near I think.

The artefact might give radiation but increases your stats a little.
This game is annoying as hell now :mad: I've done the mission just past the bar where you must kill the master stalker and the traitor, then i headed back to the bar and the guards try to kill me whenever i try to enter the base :confused: then if i shoot them back i'm the traitor and everyone trys too kill me! Anyone else had a problem like this? anyone know how to sort it? i don't think there is any other way in as i can't seem to get round to the other entance
Teki187 said:
What is the purpose of STALKER, i have the game but some things just feel wierd.

I did the first quest, ran back to the camp and then i got zerged by like 10 dogs/boar things which wasnt a problem since i ran to the camp, but they started owning the npcs, half the camp is dead.

Then you have them things in the map that beep when you get closer, the radioactive beep, you run into them and get hurt.

Then you have the number in the bottom right of you map which keeps changing.

Then there is the stuff like jellyfish cap or something that improves bullet cap but adds radiation damage over time....wtf!!

I also accepted a quest to kill some trader, which i managed to complete by moving 3 steps forward.

I mean talk about not explaining anything and screwed up.

The easiest advice is to read the notes in your PDA. I agree that the game doesn't really explain much, but most of the stuff is in the various logs in the PDA.

To answer your question though:

The purpose is to collect the Artifacts (like the Jellyfish) which you find dotted around the countryside. They are formed in Anomalies (the things that set your PDA beeping) and give boosts in certain area, but nerfs in others. The trick is to balance the positive effects with the negative effects (don't have loads of defence buffs if they add to much radiation poisoning, unless you have a minus to rad item also equipped).

The number in your mini-map represents nearby Stalkers who are transmitting a location beacon, these will most often be neutral, friendly or dead. Hostiles are harder to see until you get a visual on them, they will appear red.

Oh, and RTFM, it's not much, but it helps.

All in all, it's up to you whether you stick with it long enough to learn how to play and start to enjoy the game, many haven't, and I can't say I blame them. It can be a chore at times, but on the whole, I think it was worth my money.
Soulja said:
This game is annoying as hell now :mad: I've done the mission just past the bar where you must kill the master stalker and the traitor, then i headed back to the bar and the guards try to kill me whenever i try to enter the base :confused: then if i shoot them back i'm the traitor and everyone trys too kill me! Anyone else had a problem like this? anyone know how to sort it? i don't think there is any other way in as i can't seem to get round to the other entance

Were either of them Duty? Did/have you killed any other Duty? Sounds like your Faction has got b0rked somehow. Might just be easier to pick an earlier save and go back. I have avoided assassination missions on my second re-start for this very reason; they just annoy too many people for [usually] very little reward. There is still plenty to do otherwise.
I should add that the idea that the Artifacts are the reason to play the game is the "theory behind the story". That's why all those Stalkers are there. In the game reality, the purpose is to do as many missions as you can, get all the kewl gear (clearly the most important part :) ) and complete as much of the story as you can.

Basically, don't go chasing artifacts. If you can use them great, if you can't, they're just loot.
MoratJG said:
Were either of them Duty? Did/have you killed any other Duty? Sounds like your Faction has got b0rked somehow. Might just be easier to pick an earlier save and go back. I have avoided assassination missions on my second re-start for this very reason; they just annoy too many people for [usually] very little reward. There is still plenty to do otherwise.

Hopefully i've got an earlier save, if not i don't think i'll bother restarting it tbh :(
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