**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

fish99 said:
Don't quite follow your logic there. The zone exist because the consciousness messed with this 'field' created by living creatures on earth. Therefore killing the consciousness and stopping their experiment would get rid of the zone. Of couse the zone should really revert to how it was before the second accident, so Chernobyl and the radiation should still be there (but not the artifacts and more bizarre monsters) but that's a side issue.


Hmmm, not too sure about that. The bloke from the c-con tells you that they were trying to 'fix' humanity by altering this field around Earth but in doing so they caused some sort of 'rift' in the field which manifested itself as all the weird crap you see in the zone. The guy also goes on to explain how they were trying to fix this problem which turned out to be the reason why they were preventing the outside world from interfering in the first place. They then ask you to join them in their struggle since you have already discovered their secret.

So, now that you've destroyed c-con, how does that cause the zone to disappear? Hence either:

A) You were wrong and you've just put humanity into doom.


B) You were right and c-con was a deception for something else.


C) C-con are a bunch of dumbasses and failed to realise their very existence was the cause of the zone. In the case they did 'realise', then you would end up in case B.

Not sure if this has been posted yet, it's a preliminary patch list so subject to change.

- Added avoiding dynamic obstacles for NPCs.
- Added enemy priority function – fixes incorrect NPC reaction on player’s attack.
- Changed the second part of the enemy search algorithm – having lost the player, the NPCs will no longer be baffled.
- Added correct reaction on shots and loud sounds coming from the player (only) on close distances.

- Dual core optimization.
- 10-15% FPS increase.

- Added new game mode – freeplay; activated after the end of the game.
- Added the possibility for any character will be able to go to any smart-terrain.
- Fixed the ultra-intense vibration of the grass.
- All monsters drag now the corpses correctly.

- Fixed the situations when the physics get stuck in the floor or in the thin walls.
- Fixed the situations when the dead bodies disappear.

- Reduced the traffic and lags.

- Fixed problems with OS Vista 64.
- Added saved games converter.
- Added MOD Tools support.
I'm more or less maxing it out with my new x1950pro 512mb. just tweaked some settings that don't make much difference that I got from the tweaks guide website.
Running it maxed here too at 1680x1050 (1950xt), don't really notice any slowdown apart from when there's lightening. Other than that it runs smoothe enough for me (must be 30fps most of the time).

Turning viewing distance to 50% makes a nice difference on FPS, it's very difficult to notice the difference between 100 and 50%. That and grass density will really improve your FPS.
DEL 707 said:
Not sure if this has been posted yet, it's a preliminary patch list so subject to change.

- Added avoiding dynamic obstacles for NPCs.
- Added enemy priority function – fixes incorrect NPC reaction on player’s attack.
- Changed the second part of the enemy search algorithm – having lost the player, the NPCs will no longer be baffled.
- Added correct reaction on shots and loud sounds coming from the player (only) on close distances.

- Dual core optimization.
- 10-15% FPS increase.

- Added new game mode – freeplay; activated after the end of the game.
- Added the possibility for any character will be able to go to any smart-terrain.
- Fixed the ultra-intense vibration of the grass.
- All monsters drag now the corpses correctly.

- Fixed the situations when the physics get stuck in the floor or in the thin walls.
- Fixed the situations when the dead bodies disappear.

- Reduced the traffic and lags.

- Fixed problems with OS Vista 64.
- Added saved games converter.
- Added MOD Tools support.

when is it released?

typical i just completed it
The game is frustrating at the start mainly because the gameplay style is different to most linear fps types and the storyline at the beginning is pretty vague itself. You also have a crappy pistol which useless at anything but close distance.

That said things start to pick up pretty quickly once you leave Cordon and by the end you will change from a crappy pistol bearing noob to a fully mechanised killing machine. :D
LoadsaMoney said:
Easily maxed out, i run it maxed out in 1280x1024 on my 320mb GTS, absolutely belts along, best drivers are the 101.02 beta's for the 8 series imo. :)
I'l be sticking those on tonight i think, are you finally happy with an NV driver release :D
LoadsaMoney said:
Yeah im happy with these beta's, but im still going back to ATi when R600 hits. :)
There may be more humble pie on the menu. Its not beyond the realms of possibility that ATI could get both the hardware and drivers wrong. 5 years ago, who would have thought that ATI would have better drivers than NV, then again who would have guessed 10 years ago that the worlds most succesfull golfer would be black and the worlds most commercially succesful rap artist would be white.
You know what i mean :p
PinkFloyd said:
Is the performance on the new betas a lot better than the 97.92 drivers in Stalker?

Definately better, officials are all crap, the latest 97.94's were even worse so i went back to the beta's. :)

The new Stalker patch is supposedly in the next few days. :D
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I stuck these new beta's on and no control panel (using the old way), so i completely uninstaled the card and rebooted, instaled by using the setup.exe and rebooted and i now have the control panel. Never had these probs with my 9800pro :confused: .
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