**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Man I really hope the FPS optimization from dual core support in the patch is as high as it says. Then I could perhaps finally play in 1680x1050 smoothly. Currently the game runs really nicely in 1280x1024, but it's remarkably slower at 1680x1050. For example, the hamlet in Cordon is 10-15fps at the higher resolution, but 60-70 at the lower resolution. I just hope the dual core optimization helps this, instead of it being strictly GPU limited.
jasoncb said:
think he meant 2nd patch, you can use your save games from the 1st patch in the 2nd one

Yeah you can, but theres also a save convertor coming with the 3rd patch so you can convert and use any saves that you have from playing the game before you put the 1st patch on, if you still have em. :D
so if this patch promises whats going to do, Stalker will be more playable FPS wise and vista wise?

Also a question to people, are there random/unscripted gun fights between groups of people/stalkers in this game? This is something my mate was telling me.
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I'm running this game at 1680x1050 with all settings at max, fps dips to 25 sometimes but generally in the 30-45 range, seems nice and smooth still and so far im really enjoying it :)

Havent installed any patches yet or tried it online, where are these patches located ?
patches appear here , i was reading a good tip about the weight issue, if you want to carry more, then when you kill someone just drag their body around with you and use their backpack to store stuff, it works to. :D

Still no 2nd patch yet. :(
Think I've done something wrong or my game is bugged

I'm on way to the red forest to turn off the antenna, but the the geiger counter goes crazy and I start to take rad dmg, even with my rad suit on.

For some reason I have the "Enter lab 18" on my map still, even though I've done that part.
XR_3DA 2007-04-09 18-00-50-29.jpg

FPS hit 100 just before this shot,
Well the dual-core optimizations will be welcome, but the save converter in the 3rd patch will be as well.

The 2 main problems i have is my character has no shadow, it appears on my mates pc and he's running static lighting, i've tried every option on and off but still no shadow, no big deal tho. Worse one is when lightening flashes, my fps drops to about 15 or worse, every time theres a flash, real annoying. Other than that it runs pretty smooth.
How do you turn the fps counter on?

Finished the game yesterday - found it extremely annoying to start with, but loved it by the end. Oh and for those still experiencing lockup problems, I had the same issue (x2 4600, 1gb, x1900xt) - resolved by a complete reinstall of XP, upgrade to 2gb ram and newer ATi drivers.....take your pick which one was responsible! :)
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