**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Ah, I've also added "- mblur" to my shortcut, so it's ....

"C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\bin\XR_3DA.exe" -nointro -noprefetch -mblur
Think I found my "random freezes" problem.

I have had the PC on all day since this morning and I had done some intensive vid editing earlier, then Stalker arrived in the post and I installed it and played it straight away.

Just rebooted the PC for the first time since then and ran System Mechanic to clean some rubbish out of the system, defragged the memory and started Stalker again.

Its running fine now, no freezes at all. :D
Minor side quest spoiler below.....

I was doing a few sidequests near an army warehouse when some guy asked me to join the Duty faction, I had to kill a sniper which I did and the next mission was to go into the warehouse area and kill a guy. (those Freedom guys sure are using nice guns, I have 6 new ones :cool: )

But when I finally killed the guy and ran out of there with 14 guys on my tail I found out that the quest isn't updated as it still shows I have to kill the guy :confused:

All the duty guys are gone and when I go back in I can only find the guy dead and killing him again does not work, has anyone else had the same?
Dutch Guy said:
Minor side quest spoiler below.....

I was doing a few sidequests near an army warehouse when some guy asked me to join the Duty faction, I had to kill a sniper which I did and the next mission was to go into the warehouse area and kill a guy. (those Freedom guys sure are using nice guns, I have 6 new ones :cool: )

But when I finally killed the guy and ran out of there with 14 guys on my tail I found out that the quest isn't updated as it still shows I have to kill the guy :confused:

All the duty guys are gone and when I go back in I can only find the guy dead and killing him again does not work, has anyone else had the same?

This game is great and crap in equal amounts, i love the non-linear gameplay but some missions just dont make sense. As for the accuracy of the weapons, most people off the street could hit a 6' human from the standing unsupported position from 100m using iron sights but not in this game (or optical sights for that matter).
pegasus1 said:
As for the accuracy of the weapons, most people off the street could hit a 6' human from the standing unsupported position from 100m using iron sights but not in this game (or optical sights for that matter).

Load of bull....

100m is a huge distance to be shooting over size of a football/ruby pitch 100m around 115-120 yards or so.

But must people expect to be pulling off headshots.......

Edit: Also the first rifle you get is the AK47 (ak74 in game) Which is high powerfull but this weapon’s ultra high recoil means you need to use single fire to prevent it from shooting nowhere. Even in medium to close it leaves a problem for the shooter weather to go full auto or Burst

EDIT: again even sniper Rifles are limited to what type of ammo you use in real life. You use cheap cheap ammo you can knock down the rifle efficiently from 900m to 600m
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Dutch Guy said:
But when I finally killed the guy and ran out of there with 14 guys on my tail I found out that the quest isn't updated as it still shows I have to kill the guy :confused:

All the duty guys are gone and when I go back in I can only find the guy dead and killing him again does not work, has anyone else had the same?

Aren't there 3 snipers that you have to kill try looking at the other sniper towers.
Bigpig said:
Load of bull....

100m is a huge distance to be shooting over size of a football/ruby pitch 100m around 115-120 yards or so.

But must people expect to be pulling off headshots.......
Not bull. British Army Annual personnal weapons test.
Fig 11 tgt (same size as the average person) at 100m should be hit every time, even a fig 12 (head and shoulders) is easy to drop 80% of the time.
At 400m you are expected to hit a fig 11 33% of the time.
The AK series is designed to be accurate out to 300 yards but in the hand of a half decent shot is as accurate as any assualt rifle at 100m (single shot).
I know its only a game but for me its a little annoying
(The cocking handle on the AK is on the wrong side in the game ;) )
pegasus1 said:
Not bull. British Army Annual personnal weapons test.
Fig 11 tgt (same size as the average person) at 100m should be hit every time, even a fig 12 (head and shoulders) is easy to drop 80% of the time.
At 400m you are expected to hit a fig 11 33% of the time.
The AK series is designed to be accurate out to 300 yards but in the hand of a half decent shot is as accurate as any assualt rifle at 100m (single shot).
I know its only a game but for me its a little annoying
(The cocking handle on the AK is on the wrong side in the game ;) )


British Army Annual personnal weapons test. Is done by trained soldiers

There is also a thing called Game balance
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You guys need to get yourselves the G36 rifle (GP-37 in game I think). I literally head shot my way through the rest of the game after that. What I found was that single shot was best at long range where as automatic with quick bursts at the head was best for medium/short range. Also if you can't pull off a head shot in time, what you can do is immediately fire a few shots at the chest and wait for them to stumble, then as they regain their footing shoot them in the head; move closer if need be and always shoot from a crouched stance. As always, crouching, peaking and the binoculars are your best friends; the style of game play is similiar to Ghost Recon in many ways.
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titaniumx3 said:
You guys need to get yourselves the G36 rifle (GP-37 in game I think). I literally head shot my way through the rest of the game after that. What I found was that single shot was best at long range where as automatic with quick bursts at the head was best for medium/short range. Also if you can't pull off a head shot in time, what you can do is immediately fire a few shots at the chest and wait for them to stumble, then as they regain their footing shoot them in the head; move closer if need be and always shoot from a crouched stance. As always, crouching, peaking and the binoculars are your best friends; the style of game play is similiar to Ghost Recon in many ways.

One word - Grenades.
I picked up so many of them I'm literally killing units of hostiles with them.

But yea, the GP37 is awesome, almost 100% accuracy on first shot at mid long distance. Not a lot of mod you can do tho...
Bigpig said:

British Army Annual personnal weapons test. Is done by trained soldiers

There is also a thing called Game balance
As i said i know its only a game, and as for the APWT, its not just for the Infantry, Chefs and Clerks etc have to do it..
In the game you play a double hard Stalker uber bloke who cant hit a barn door with a banjo at 5 paces.
Like i said, the game is Marmite.
pegasus1 said:
As i said i know its only a game, and as for the APWT, its not just for the Infantry, Chefs and Clerks etc have to do it..QUOTE]

They are soldier’s first clerks second as the saying goes. Who have had basic shooting practice. How to support the gun, how to breathe, what angle your body should be at and so on. In your original msg you said anybody off the street could do it. Which is bull
Bigpig said:
They are soldier’s first clerks second as the saying goes. Who have had basic shooting practice. How to support the gun, how to breathe, what angle your body should be at and so on. In your original msg you said anybody off the street could do it. Which is bull
Dont believe old sayings, I have been a safety supervisor on range days where civvys have fired and after some basic coaching have been able to hit a fig 11 at 100m no problem, yes with an optical sight at x4 magnification but the same weapon is available ingame and at 100m is very innacurate.
The Character we all play isnt just some joe off the street and all assault weapons have about the same acurracy at 100m in the hands of an average shot.
I dont want to start a bun fight, i just think it detracts from the game.
Thats where game balance comes in. There would be no point in the other guns or ammo if the AK 74 riped though everything at range. In saying that I find it very easy to take down thugs dogs and low end mercs with the AK from Distance. Only run into problems when they are heavey armoured.
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