**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

keogh said:
Good thinking sir, at least you can replenish ya ammo and get rad kits for the annoying random radiation area!

I'll give it another go later!.. And I have no intention of visiting Chernobyl, so I couldn't tell you how "realistic" the radiation spots are, but I'm sure your right :)

The main problem with not being able to stand next to pipes/concrete/vehicles etc is the fact that you have to play without using cover which makes it harder than normal. If you don't have a sniper rifle you can get one near the start of the road, there's a wooden tower on the left quite near the beginning and there's a sniper in there...you'll need the sniper, believe me :)
neo202020 said:
The main problem with not being able to stand next to pipes/concrete/vehicles etc is the fact that you have to play without using cover which makes it harder than normal. If you don't have a sniper rifle you can get one near the start of the road, there's a wooden tower on the left quite near the beginning and there's a sniper in there...you'll need the sniper, believe me :)

Nice one neo, ill grab that, hope thres plenty of ammo lying around for it!
I'm on the same bit, i grabbed the rifle and got hammered by radiation and the monolith, i thought it was quite hard. Gonna give it another go in a bit, see if i get anywhere.
Yeah, it's a fairly difficult part of the game and it's a bit long and repetitive for my liking too. Oh, and there won't be much ammo there at all so save it for when you really need it - enemy snipers miles away. :)
Proc said:
I'm on the same bit, i grabbed the rifle and got hammered by radiation and the monolith, i thought it was quite hard. Gonna give it another go in a bit, see if i get anywhere.

Good to hear im not the only one struggling! I'm pretty sure I should have a much more powerful set of weapons at this point though, and a better suit really? I'm using Ghosts Suit... which is good for replenishing health I suppose.

The GP37 weapon is kickass that, a few shots and they a brownbread! Gotta get some more ammo for it though!
I'm using the SEVA suit, couldn't keep Ghost's as i had to give it to the scientist. I'm using the GP37 and it is a good assualt rifle, just the ammount of ammo etc about means i'm overweight after about 10 mins. :(
keogh said:
Good to hear im not the only one struggling! I'm pretty sure I should have a much more powerful set of weapons at this point though, and a better suit really? I'm using Ghosts Suit... which is good for replenishing health I suppose.

The GP37 weapon is kickass that, a few shots and they a brownbread! Gotta get some more ammo for it though!

Possible Spoiler
Take ghosts suit to yantar and speak to the scientist dude, I won't say anymore but the reward is the best SEVA suit in the game.
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warnea1984 said:
Possible Spoiler
Take ghosts suit to yantar and speak to the scientist dude, I won't say anymore but the reward is the best SEVA suit in the game.


Oddly, it's not actually the best one...when I went to him and got the suit you're talking about I also checked to see what he was selling and the stats on a different suit he was selling were much better than on the reward... :confused:
ive done the brain scorcher and on way back to rostock via warehouse to inspect my mega stash :)

now what do I take to Pripryrat? got this huge tunder thing, not much ammo, superlong sniper rifle, GP37 and several over guns, seva suit etc

also, I dont seem to be able to select to throw the higher spread grenades? I have 11 of them and 1 normal and can only get the normal 'in my hands' so as to speak....any ideas?

atmosphere is getting really good, but always suffer various crashes in Warehouse map.... :(
neo202020 said:

i think your mistaken as i've just been and looked in the gamedata files.

spoiler of sorts < he only ever gets to stock 3 suit types and one of them is the protection_outfit. the reward suit is also a protection_outfit and the other's are lesser suits >

(font colour #1c5780)

Amadeus said:
ive done the brain scorcher and on way back to rostock via warehouse to inspect my mega stash :)

now what do I take to Pripryrat? got this huge tunder thing, not much ammo, superlong sniper rifle, GP37 and several over guns, seva suit etc

also, I dont seem to be able to select to throw the higher spread grenades? I have 11 of them and 1 normal and can only get the normal 'in my hands' so as to speak....any ideas?

atmosphere is getting really good, but always suffer various crashes in Warehouse map.... :(
for Pripryrat, any 5.56 or 5.45 is good to go. nade swapping can be done using the change ammo type, Y.
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Hector said:
i think your mistaken as i've just been and looked in the gamedata files.

I never went that far into it but I bought the one I thought could have been better and all the stats in the bottom right appeared to be higher with the other one on. I then saved and sold them both and the one I considered to be "better" also had a higher value...I dunno, if you're sure there's no better suit in the game from looking at game files I guess you're right :)
fornowagain said:
Played it all the way through again. Final level is quite good. The FOV app works well to correct the widescreen as well.

Is that with the fake anti-aliasing switched on? (forgot the console command)

Some of the objects in the screenshot look very smooth and devoid of jaggies; looks pretty good if ask me, especially those spherical structures in the distance. In any case I really loved the atmosphere in that section of the game, it just had this amazingly realistic portrayal of openness and desolation, similiar to the long coast sections of HL2.
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Yeah I thought it looked a bit odd cos when I played through that section I had loads of jagged edges showing up. Looks good and adds a slight cinematic effect to the scene.
I know I'm a bit behind but I'm struggling early on.

I've helped Bes repel the bandits - I kill one of the bandits and it says get your reward - does that mean go back to the trader guy?

Wasn't sure and cba to walk back to the trader so went to see Seriy. Helped him and moved forward to go to Agroprom but theres like 7+ bandits waiting around the trains and I just get wasted. I've got plenty of health goodies and stashed extra guns at Bes's camp. Got the AK, smaller machine gun, shot gun and pistol.

Also got Stone Flower and Wrenched artifacts but not sure what to do with them. Put both on and one of them slowly killed me :( Also got a dogs tail and some paws/hooves but again no idea if these are any use :)

Also, sound is really bad around here, crackles and cuts out - bug?
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If you look in your PDA and press the circle icon next to the message about the reward it points out who you have to see to get the reward.

As for Agroprom, not much else I can say, you just need to have a bit of luck in killing the bad guys, take cover always and shoot in small burst to the head and save after each kill.
I used the AKM 74/2 at that stage, Shotgun is effective in tight quarters with one or two enemies and pistols are useless.

If you use an artifact that raises radiation you cannot use that until you get better armour to cancel that effect (I think)

I still have not found a use for dogs tails and hoofs, the trader will not buy them and they are not of use, maybe later on someone will buy them?

As for the sound problems, I have not noticed that, maybe it is a driver issue?
Dutch Guy said:
I still have not found a use for dogs tails and hoofs, the trader will not buy them and they are not of use, maybe later on someone will buy them?
stalkers will buy them but your better of keeping them for the side quests.

As said, the PDA will tell you where to report to. It also has a drawn map for those still looking for Strelok's stash; if you actually have that mission activated.

As for the Bandits, sometimes it seems, depending on different timing, to be harder or easier than at other times. You could go back to Seriy in the warehouse, wait for the bandits to come again then pop out round the side. You might need to kill a couple but you can just leg it past them up the hill sometimes.

Just thought I'd add that I found the pistol far from useless. Maybe not for mid to long range but certainly against bandits at close range it was a useful headshot weapon. I did that bit by some careful creeping around those cement pipes and takeing them out with a mixture of the shotgun + pistol as they got near. But yeah, that bit was hard - the guy on top of the tunnel just wouldn't get hit.

I only started having sound fluctuations later on in the game. Turning off EAX stopped it :(
i really am starting to like this game, its hard and frustrating but its also fun and is the most atmospheric game ive played for a LONG time, just got C&C3 too, so gaming heaven for 2-3 weeks for me.
EddScott said:
Also, sound is really bad around here, crackles and cuts out - bug?

My sound was crackling really badly (even just on the menu screen). Updating the drivers for my onboard sound cured that nicely.

Incidently, regarding the bandits at the entrance to the Agroprom, eventually I just reduced what I was carrying and ran past them, they will not chase you. Best to skirt around sneakily to the left and then running like mad when they spot you!
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