**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

I think the weight limit helps make the game - without it I'd be rolling around with half a dozen assault rifles, an RPG and a sniper rifle, all with 500 rounds apiece.

It makes you focus on what you need to survive and conserve ammo.

The G36 (or whatever they call it in-game) is all you really need anyway. Makes a huge difference when you know that bullets will go almost exactly where you're pointing 9 times out of 10.

Didn't really have any problems with the bits in the run up to the plant - had the green suit and plenty of anti-rads. Lots of running between cover and spray+pray baby :)


n order to get a G36 early on my second time round, I did the mission to get me into the Duty compound, then headed straight out to the Freedom base, grassed up Skull's boys and then tagged on to the freedom squad, waited till one got killed and blagged his gun - then mopped up the Duty team. :)
Von Luck said:
IThe G36 (or whatever they call it in-game) is all you really need anyway. Makes a huge difference when you know that bullets will go almost exactly where you're pointing 9 times out of 10.
I agree, a G37 is so much better than the other weapons like AKM 74's and Viper's, it is accurate and drops enemies fast.
So is the suit you get from the grenade launcher mission the best for going into Chernobyl?

I chose the green one I bought from the mobile lab because it was the most expensive. I've only just set foot in pipyrat so can easily use another save point and take the one from the mission.
MoratJG said:
Just don't hang around outside the NPP, there are too many enemies and too much rad; just rush to the objective as fast and as hard as you can.

Oh I had no problems getting into the NPP, the outside was easy enough... abit crappy though (I hate having to just run to get to a destination).

Its once in I am having problems. I actually realised I do have the Ecologist suit thing in my pack... that gives 90% radiation protection (I think its 90%) but I'm still getting radiated in this place! And also that has NO bullet proof cap obviously, so its proving difficult.

I have managed to get up the stairs where there are 50,000 soldiers... but its very hard at the moment! And I dropped my GP37 for that F-200 (is that what its called) and I think that was a bad idea, too much recoil!

I'll finish it in the end, I always do... just wanted to have a rant :p
EddScott said:
So is the suit you get from the grenade launcher mission the best for going into Chernobyl?

I chose the green one I bought from the mobile lab because it was the most expensive. I've only just set foot in pipyrat so can easily use another save point and take the one from the mission.

The green SPM-99 slightly edges the Duty suit out, stat-wise IIRC but not so much that it really matters. I'd advise keeping it in reserve for Pripyat and the NPP though (if you are playing the patched version with suit damage working as intended).

And keogh, after you climb the ladder and set the decoder running, take cover behind the boxes that are close to the door. Those soldiers are an endless spawn, just headshot the ones that close and hold out until the decoder does its job; then just get through the door into the lab, I think the rad is much lower in there.
keogh said:
Even with a good suit... dont you still get radiation poisioning? i.e. do you have to keep whooping anti rad pills in? Or can you take your time with them?

The dudes are not a problem, its just cos of the damn radiation, I can't take my timing killing the soldiers cos I have to rush to the end before I die of rad poisioning? I can't believe that made the game so you HAVE to have a certain suit to complete the thing? How are you suppose to know the last level will be completly intoxicated? That ridiculous?

The green suit from Yantar and a combo of artifacts allowed me to go through the NPP without any rad poisoning apart from some odd areas of very high radiation. I forgot the names of the artifacts but one was -30 rad I think, another was +600 health and the other practically eliminated bleeding.

Also when your doing the secret lab door section it helps to use the exoskeleton from then on or probably better would be one of those black military suits which are excellent for combat.
neo202020 said:
By the way, did anyone REALLY enjoy the fighting through Pripyat city together with NPCs? I thought that was awesome!

Yeah it was pretty good, just a shame it didn't last a bit longer, it's always good to have moving meat shields :p
neo202020 said:
By the way, did anyone REALLY enjoy the fighting through Pripyat city together with NPCs? I thought that was awesome!

Yep - I loved that bit. The Elite NPCs just look so hardcore! Think we got through pretty much unscathed.

Wish they'd implemented CO-OP play into the game - why o why o why won't people do co-op games godammit. Deathmatch is SO nineties. :p
I finally done it with a mixture of the crappy ecologist suit and ghosts suit (although that was pretty much knacked condition wise). I was constantly whacking anti rads in whilst loosing off lead all over the shop!


But I got it finished in the end, and opted for the "goodish" ending after talking to that dude!

Ouch that was hard... I'm gonna play the game thru again now, but on a harder difficulty and I am gonna MAKE SURE I have a proper suit when I get to that part next time. I would literally die on one shot in the ecologist suit, its not advisable in a warzone!

Whens this next patch due out? It was mentioned here a few posts back, but no one has mentioned it since... has it been binned? Or it still happening? Although the game runs perfect for me, I heard a 10-15% FPS increase with the addition of dual core enhancements in it didn't I? I'm a sucker for a good patch me!
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keogh said:
But I got it finished in the end, and opted for the "goodish" ending after talking to that dude!


I hope you saved before talking to him because if you turn down his offer there's another whole level to play :D
neo202020 said:

Doh, my bad... didn't think of that, cheers neo! you better remove it from your quote now, cos you have emphasised the spoiler :p

Yeah I got a save, but I aint gonna use it, as I said, I'm gonna go back thru it and have a better suit + other guff at that point. Im not going to do another level with that ecologist suit, and that excoskelton jobbie, no good as I cannot run with it!

I'm looking forward to playing thru again !
I'm trying to go through some of the side missions rather than charge headlong through the main storyline too early.

Is anyone else getting bad graphics/texture mess ups when you enter the Military Warehouse area?.

As soon as I start in that area ( trying to destroy the bloodsuckers lair after being asked by the guy in the bar to do so ) things get really jerky and slow down a lot, sometimes it gives me graphics corruption and a few times its actually crashed and gone to a black screen. :eek: :(

It happened to me earlier in the game when you were supposed to go there and kill the two other Stalkers, but eventually I managed it without it crashing. Just wonder if it was related and if anyone else had the same probs?.

Also, the Dark Valley.....do you have to wait until later in the game to travel there?. Tried doing the Dutyer's mission to retrieve his weapon, but the radiation just kills me, I have the SEVA suit on just now. Is it not enough protection?.
Draeger said:
Also, the Dark Valley.....do you have to wait until later in the game to travel there?. Tried doing the Dutyer's mission to retrieve his weapon, but the radiation just kills me, I have the SEVA suit on just now. Is it not enough protection?.

You shouldn't have a problem with radiation in Dark Valley, a few hot spots but nothing more than that. No idea why you are getting killed by it; I was there in a Bandit jacket and was fine :confused:
LoadsaMoney said:
Im lost with this game now, can't do any missions as they not appearing on the map where they are, psuedo dog one, flower artifact etc... no markers on the map of where i need to go to do em. :confused:

You don't get markers for those, you just have to find the items out in the wilderness.

Pseudo dogs are the big buggers with glowing eyes. I'd suggest the entrance to Bar to find them (the tails aren't a guaranteed drop though).

For Flower try the Wildlands, lots of artifacts around there.
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Draeger said:
Also, the Dark Valley.....do you have to wait until later in the game to travel there?. Tried doing the Dutyer's mission to retrieve his weapon, but the radiation just kills me, I have the SEVA suit on just now. Is it not enough protection?.
Most of it's fine... there's a pretty intense hotspot beneath the bridge-walkway thing coming out of the bandit base, but you can skirt round that and go along the road. The swamp area is also pretty hot.
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