**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Draeger said:
Also, the Dark Valley.....do you have to wait until later in the game to travel there?. Tried doing the Dutyer's mission to retrieve his weapon, but the radiation just kills me, I have the SEVA suit on just now. Is it not enough protection?.

Don't worry I thought that too, just run through that first bit and the radiation isn't so bad.
MoratJG said:
You don't get markers for those, you just have to find the items out in the wilderness.

Pseudo dogs are the big buggers with glowing eyes. I'd suggest the entrance to Bar to find them (the tails aren't a guaranteed drop though).

For Flower try the Wildlands, lots of artifacts around there.

Thanks, ive been wandering aboot not knowing where the **** im going so i just quit it. :D
Has anyone taken the mission from the Duty bloke standing guard at the south entrance to the Bar where he asks you to clean out the dog lair just 50m or so to the south? I accepted this and killed them all off, but it says I haven't :(
Inquisitor said:
Has anyone taken the mission from the Duty bloke standing guard at the south entrance to the Bar where he asks you to clean out the dog lair just 50m or so to the south? I accepted this and killed them all off, but it says I haven't :(

Must be another dog somewhere...I had the same problem and found it like another 50m away...
neo202020 said:
Must be another dog somewhere...I had the same problem and found it like another 50m away...

Yeh me too...the buggers panic and run off as soon as you start shooting. The guards at the gate also shoot the dogs if they go near them, so I dunno if them doing that breaks the quest.

Anyway I tried doing that quest about 10 times at various points, but it never completed for me so I gave up. Probably just get some crappy artifact as a reward anyway.
Woo, just been playing for the last few hours, went back into the underground to do the Mole task, man I literally crapped myself when I saw the first Bloodsucker of my journey, just caught glimpse of it as I went through the tunnel, it wasnt invisible, took a few pot shots at it and then it dissapeared, next thing its right on me, scared the crap out of me :D

Had to do the underground bit 3 times, each time the creatures/men are in different places, caught me by surprise as other games its all scripted so they are in the same place, even had men sneaking up behind me when I thought they would go a different way.

Really dont want to do any more underground/labs stuff :p

Getting more interesting now at least.

Is it worth doing the arena fights? Did one but not sure if its worth it really.
Agreed with the above. X18 is a lot more chilling, and Yantar's just a mess... not to mention the bloodsuckers can shock you, but its not so bad once you know what they are, and do.
I'm underground in Chernobyl now.......
It's creepy....

maybe spoiler......
Everything is black and white again...
Creepy psi sounds about
Plus a loud voice which I've got no idea who it is, can only presume its my character?
Inquisitor said:
Agroprom is fairly tame; you've seen nothing yet ;)

haha, guess it was mainly as it was at night and I had headphones on, Im sure the glowing green anomoly makes some strange noises.

Ah well, might play again a bit later.
Captain Planet said:
Who else has finished this game? Are there different endings? My ending was bad :(


There are 7 endings. 5 are the basic ones where you go to the wish-granter most of them are bad simply because the wish-granter is a man-made illusion. The problem with these is that the economy in STALKER is rather badly designed so most people end up completing the game with tons of money and most of them get the "I want to be rich" ending.

There are 2 other endings which can be reached by NOT going to the wish-granter but instead finding the secret door and unlocking it with the decoder you get from Doc (in Strelok's stash). You can either agree to join the weirdos in their manipulation of mankind or you can tell them to shove it. If you do the former you get another "bad" ending; you join them and that's it. If you disagree you get a very odd level where you teleport from place to place and eventually reach the room where the manipulating weirdos are located.

You can see all the endings here:

Stalker Ending #1
If your reputation is above 1000, then you get the good reputation ending where you wish, "I want the zone to disappear".


Stalker Ending #2
If your money is above 50,000 RU, then you get the money ending where you wish, "I want to be rich".


Stalker Ending #3
If Lukash and Voronin are dead, then you get the I am an ******* ending where you wish, "I want to rule the world".


Stalker Ending #4
If your reputation is below -1000, then you get bad reputation ending where you wish, "Humanity is corrupt, mankind must be controlled".


Stalker Ending #5
If you don't have any of the above, it defaults to the immortality ending where you wish, "I want to immortality".


Stalker Ending #6
This is the ending if you refuse to become a part of the C-Consciousness.


Stalker Ending #7
If you choose to become a part of the C-Consciousness

Well I just got the crappy I want to be rich ending....
Silly game, I'm already rich because I have nothing to spend money on!!! :p

Where is the hidden door for the extra endings?
PinkFloyd said:
Where is the hidden door for the extra endings?


You just keep following the corridor instead of going into the room with the wish-granter. You should be able to find it but you need to have the decoder or you won't be able to get in.
PinkFloyd said:
Plus a loud voice which I've got no idea who it is, can only presume its my character?

The loud voice says things along the lines of "Come to me", "Come to me and get what is yours by right" etc, basically summoning you to the Monolith.

Being able to understand Russian I think it's a real pity how little of the VO was translated into English...you lose a lot from not being able to understand it. For example the guys sitting around camp fires are actually telling quite funny jokes and I would often stop next to them and listen just to get a laugh :D
A question that would probably be a spoiler to anyone not completed the game yet

Well managed to find the door for the decoder, gone through it, fought my way through loads of guards and into a room with a 3d light display type thing in it surrounded by 6 things with blue lights on them flashing/

As I walk into this room the door shuts and nothing happens :/

Any ideas?
I also thought the bloodsucker infestation at the farmyard in the warehouse area (its the area with the freedom base) was pretty chilling especially since it's an open area in broad daylight. Plus there's something odd lurking around at the windmill! :eek:
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