**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

ajgoodfellow said:
I have the Radiation Pack and I have a small crack, 1-2mm on the inside edge

I think this must be an issue as I've only played the game a few times (love the game, just don't seem to have any time spare!). It's very tight in mine

Ok so it seems that it might be more of a widespread problem? Anyone else got the prob?

MoratJG said:
*must. resist. posting. filth.*

:D :D
just got stalker. is there any way I can play it without talking to people and reading all the crap. I just want to run along try and find a mission and shoot stuff
neo202020 said:
lol, play the multiplayer then...otherwise wrong game :)

i should really give it a try. Anyway to make the shadows not constantly dissaprear and re-appear? Ive noticed i can play on high and maximum settings and get the same fps, take it my x1800xt cant keep up with the 2.8ghz dual core or something
Does anyone have a Trainer for Stalker, or know where to get one, that works on Vista 64, AND does not use the numpad to enable cheats? (because my keyboard has no numpad)
could counter argue that due to some ridiculous AI a part of the game becomes somewhat overly difficult, and not being able to progress from this part of the game makes the game somewhat annoying, and tedious. He might just want it to progress along the story with minimal unbalanced task annoyances. IE. when the bloke runs into an army of people and you'v got to keep him alive. Doesnt sound v clever to me :)
Hiya guys, where is the trader at the Freedom base? I take it the Freedom base is the place where you take the sniper out or not etc?
Anyway, bugginf me that i can't seem to find it. :p
Sherm said:
Hiya guys, where is the trader at the Freedom base? I take it the Freedom base is the place where you take the sniper out or not etc?
Anyway, bugginf me that i can't seem to find it. :p


Freedom base is the one in Army Warehouses, where you get the sniper mission from the Duty guys.

The trader is on the eastern side of the base. In a building where you find the Freedom leader, as you enter this building he is on the ground floor, first door on your left.
This game is way more linear than the maps suggest. Bloody sick of walking into radiation clouds whebever I try a different strategy.

Graphically amazing but I can't get into the gameplay. It's shockingly poor.
Ah yeah, i found the freedom trader, well i say that but there is a guy stopping me from getting to him. The Duty Trader i guess is behind the Duty guys back near the bar? Again they will not let me through.

Don't fight Duty or Freedom, but i guess i'm not on either of there Christmas card list either ! :p
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