**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Sherm said:
Ah yeah, i found the freedom trader, well i say that but there is a guy stopping me from getting to him. The Duty Trader i guess is behind the Duty guys back near the bar? Again they will not let me through.

Don't fight Duty or Freedom, but i guess i'm not on either of there Christmas card list either ! :p

You can get to the Duty side after you have done one of the main plot missions. Not sure about the Freedom side. If they aren't shooting at you, I think you should be able to pick a few missions from the people dotted around the grounds, get on good terms with them and then get access to the trader and the leader.
Did the brain scorcher mission last night omg a hell of a mission getting in and even worse on way out as id run out of ammo lol at one bit i was down to one bullet in my desert eagle/black hawk facing a bloodsucker :eek: but i craftily managed to get him to chase me through a corridor where there was a barrel and used my last bullet to shoot the barrell and blew him to bits lol.
I wont say the whole mission was easy because it wasnt and im sure i must have saved and died 20 times or more lol
Totally impressed by that mission and it shows the quality of the ai even with stalkers bugs and glitches how good this game really is.
hopefully thats vague enough to not spoil it for anyone :p
Dougsnake said:
Did the brain scorcher mission last night omg a hell of a mission getting in and even worse on way out as id run out of ammo lol at one bit i was down to one bullet in my desert eagle/black hawk facing a bloodsucker :eek: but i craftily managed to get him to chase me through a corridor where there was a barrel and used my last bullet to shoot the barrell and blew him to bits lol.
I wont say the whole mission was easy because it wasnt and im sure i must have saved and died 20 times or more lol
Totally impressed by that mission and it shows the quality of the ai even with stalkers bugs and glitches how good this game really is.
hopefully thats vague enough to not spoil it for anyone :p

The good thing about that mission is that it all gets better from there! :)

I have to agree with you tho', the AI in the game is as good as I've seen.
why cant i be bothered to play this game, im right at the start where i have to get something off a scout or something like that.

Dont know so far it just feels boring and the gameplay feels wrong. Apart from the fact i think fear and farcry look better and i get around 20fps in medium and highest details
geeza said:
why cant i be bothered to play this game, im right at the start where i have to get something off a scout or something like that.

Dont know so far it just feels boring and the gameplay feels wrong. Apart from the fact i think fear and farcry look better and i get around 20fps in medium and highest details

i was feeling similar at the start cos the guns were pants and i was always getting owned by the bandits but the more i played the better it got and now the bandits are nothing more than flys too me :p
but everyone has their own tastes i guess but im really happy i stuck with it at the start.......
Oh god I’m really struggling with this game :(

It all seemed to be going well until I reached the Agroprom level. As soon as you enter the area radiations saps your health so not only do you have to keep an eye on health and energy, you have make sure your anti-radiation injections are up to date.

After meeting the mole, I ventured into the sewer looking for "Strelok's Secret Stash". Now hear lies the problem. I seemed to be making massive hits quite quickly and soon realised that I had no amour and very little anti rad injections. I did mange to find a jacket in the secret area along with some health etc.. However, making progress through the tunnels is a massive drain on both anti- rad and health kits which are very limited, even with the occasional looting of dead enemies.

I managed to reach the stash and come out inside the Agroprom facility walls. I have no health packs left or anti-rad and I have to really ether take on the facility to get the documents or find my way back to Cordon for some reward and to stock up..

I can’t progress either way without either.. I’m thinking (in hindsight) I just wasn’t that well prepared for before entering this level.

I’m completely stuck and gutted tbh . I’m thinking if it’s worth starting again only this time really take stock of plenty of anti-rad and health packs:(

I dunno
Admiral Huddy said:
Oh god I’m really struggling with this game :(

It all seemed to be going well until I reached the Agroprom level. As soon as you enter the area radiations saps your health so not only do you have to keep an eye on health and energy, you have make sure your anti-radiation injections are up to date.

Hi mate,

That area doesn't have much by way of radiation so check that you're not wearing any artefact that's radioactive.
@Admiral Huddy, I had the same, there are a few guys in there with shotguns and one hit is enough to kill you, I just saved after killing one enmy.

I did not have any radiation problems so perhaps you have some artifact on you that emits radiation as neo202020 says.

If you have no health packs left I would not go after the documents and just run away so you can buy medkits and go for the documents when you have enough packs and ammo.

What weapon are you using?
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neo202020 said:
Hi mate,

That area doesn't have much by way of radiation so check that you're not wearing any artefact that's radioactive.

I did pick up a few strange looking chunks but I thought they are supposed to reduce the radiation.. Throughout this level, the radition sign is up.. What do you think?
Admiral Huddy said:
I did pick up a few strange looking chunks but I thought they are supposed to reduce the radiation.. Throughout this level, the radition sign is up.. What do you think?

Definitely the artefact mate. Remove it from your belt. When you click on it it shows you the stats.
neo202020 said:
Definitely the artefact mate. Remove it from your belt. When you click on it it shows you the stats.

Ok I'll have a look later .. thanks for the help.. I might have to reply the level again because I used a dozen or so health packs and about the same amount of anti-rads.. :(
It's an orange sort of glowing one.. there everywhere in the early levels .. I think I picked up about 3..
Admiral Huddy said:
Ok I'll have a look later .. thanks for the help.. I might have to reply the level again because I used a dozen or so health packs and about the same amount of anti-rads.. :(
It's an orange sort of glowing one.. there everywhere in the early levels .. I think I picked up about 3..

Carrying them is fine but don't equip them onto your belt, gl.
neo202020 said:
Carrying them is fine but don't equip them onto your belt, gl.

Thanks mate.. What you have said makes sense because it's become rediculously hard..

I'll let you know in tomorrow how I got on.. if that's ok with you (hold hands) lol :D
Minor spoilers below regarding missions.

I have a choice to help Prof. Kruglov to go to Yantar but I have not done the "Find the documents" mission I got from Barkeep, which should I do first?
Admiral Huddy said:
Thanks mate.. What you have said makes sense because it's become rediculously hard..

I'll let you know in tomorrow how I got on.. if that's ok with you (hold hands) lol :D
Just for future reference, the red effects listed on artefacts are bad; the green ones are good ;)

So anything mentioning radiation in red is going to give you radiation poisoning.
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