**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Im getting sick of the bit going into NPP, rest of the game is OK but this bit is just god damn stupid, 50 people shooting rockets at you, 4 minutes to make it across, no ammo, disorientation....

Did they save everything for this level or what?????
BruceLee said:
Im getting sick of the bit going into NPP, rest of the game is OK but this bit is just god damn stupid, 50 people shooting rockets at you, 4 minutes to make it across, no ammo, disorientation....

Did they save everything for this level or what?????
yeps totally agree with you after about 20 goes last night i thought sod it and got a health hack to see the ending which was somewhat a let down there was no way in hell i would have completed that otherwise :p
Dougsnake said:
yeps totally agree with you after about 20 goes last night i thought sod it and got a health hack to see the ending which was somewhat a let down there was no way in hell i would have completed that otherwise :p

Think I may have to do that, or go back to Pripyat to find some more ammo or something. Im over the 50kg limit too which doesnt help.

Even put it onto novice too :(
BruceLee said:
Think I may have to do that, or go back to Pripyat to find some more ammo or something. Im over the 50kg limit too which doesnt help.

Even put it onto novice too :(
Get some flash artefacts :cool:

With 5 of them I can run for ever when under 50kg, and for about 20 seconds when over. My stamina also recharges in about 5 seconds when running normally :)
Inquisitor said:
Get some flash artefacts :cool:

With 5 of them I can run for ever when under 50kg, and for about 20 seconds when over. My stamina also recharges in about 5 seconds when running normally :)

Thanks, think I am going to restart the Pripyat level once I've got to the underground carpark and explore the town and see what I can find, going to find some decent anomolies to use. I've got loads of health ones but due to weight I dropped a few of the others.

On reading the official forums there is actually a sneaky way to NPP without triggering the timer etc.
I knew once you went so far into Pipryat you couldn't go back so before I joined the Duty (?) group to sweep through the town I went all the way back to Cordon. Did a quick side mission at the checkpoint looking thing further past Cordon.

So using the larger AK74 with scope and a GP37. Stocked up on 74 and 37 ammo. Went to trader and the bar tender and just bought bandages, red first aid packs and lots of ammo for both guns. Stuck it out with the 74 until I got back to Pip and dump the 74 for the 37 only.

Picked up the GG and nearly dropped it as I wasn't getting ammo for it - luckily I didn't. Launchers were a pain in Pip but carried on to the NPP. First few goes I spent taking screenshots of the scripted piece. Basically, I just ran. Killed who got in the way and hoped not to get shot so I'd stop running.

Really liked inside the NPP, - dumped the 37 for the uber-37 whatever its called. Knew which wish I'd make. Carried on and agreed first time. Carried on and disagreed. Found the last bit a pain not helped by some very dodgy graphical glitches. Took plenty of screenshots. Liked the ending.
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I cheated when I was reading the GSC forums and watched all the different endings (in russian though) on youtube.

Still, I am going to go back and start in Pripyat and stock up on bits and bobs, dont think I can be bothered going all the way back to a trader.
I am liking this game more and more, I just spent some time in the secret lab looking for documents, IMO a brilliant level with very good sounds.
Dutch Guy said:
I am liking this game more and more, I just spent some time in the secret lab looking for documents, IMO a brilliant level with very good sounds.

Yup, its one of the few games I've found to be really imersive, the Labs levels were pretty intense, although its a fairly linear game in some respects its great to play, and unlike others I've not had a single problem with it crashing etc.

Not sure which Lab you are at as there are a few but they really are brown pants levels IMO.
BruceLee said:
Not sure which Lab you are at as there are a few but they really are brown pants levels IMO.
It is the one where you need to find two codes to two doors, I think it is X18, the level is very sooky and it reminded me a lot of Doom III with some sounds in the background.
I just finished X18 and think it was a fine level, this whole game is one of the best in recent years IMHO.

Minor spoiler:-

I loved the floating boxes and potergeist activity - at one point I kept loosing health and could figure out why, then I realised that the gun I had just dropped was floating about behing me and cracking me over the head!
Sorry if this has been asked, but I tried to join a few multiplayer servers earlier and pretty much every single one I joined, I got a "Different version" error, I'm pretty sure I have the latest patch, yet still can't seem to join any server.
Cartho said:
Apparently the Poltergeist section is superb - one of the best in any game! Really spooky
That level has to be one of my all time favourites. It's not overwhelmingly scary, but it's just so spooky; the atmosphere is absolutely perfect.
Is it even possible to mount a 203 grenade launcher to a GP-37 :confused:

In the game the info with the 203 launcher mentions it is possible but I can't get it to work, it does work with a TSR-301 but not a GP-37 :(
I did the Brain Scorcher in the red forest last night, SPOILER:
once I got underground the tension was intense, mainly due to the absolute lack of bad guys, it's so quiet you're thinking "ok, I haven't met anyone for a while so there MUST be something about to jump out and kill me any second" and the longer you go the more it builds, until you meet one of the blood suckers and jump out of your skin LOL. Then on the way out I was saving every other kill due to my poor choice of armour. I'd just slung on an old armour before I went to the red forest, by the time I got to escaping from underground it only had 25% of it's health bar, not good when you have around 30 monolith hiding around every corner, loads of military in the antenna compound and a fair bit of radiation on the way back to the warehouses oops
Revolution6000 said:
Sorry if this has been asked, but I tried to join a few multiplayer servers earlier and pretty much every single one I joined, I got a "Different version" error, I'm pretty sure I have the latest patch, yet still can't seem to join any server.

I get the same message. Although I haven't patched yet as I completed it re-patch and don't want to lose the use of my saves.
2nd patch is now out for the Russian version of the game so we can expect it today.

Only 12mb, and heres a list of the fixes :-

* Added: Servercommand sv_listmaps to show the maps added in the map-queue.
* Fixed: Error with the player-health in multiplayer-mode.
* Fixed: Standing corpses when connecting to the game.
* Fixed: The drag&drop-function in the inventory-screen.
* Updated: Game version.
* Added: Country detection in the auto-patch-system.
* Fixed: Crash when using the numpad.
* Fixed: Crash when taking a screenshot while saving the game.
* Added: Support for mice with additional buttons.
* Fixed: Crash in the "military warehouse" area.
* Fixed: AI Spawnpoints close to the player.
* Improved: A-Life system. NPCs will respawn and move slower.

Yes thats it.
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LoadsaMoney said:
2nd patch is now out for the Russian version of the game so we can expect it today.

Only 12mb, and heres a list of the fixes :-

* Added: Servercommand sv_listmaps to show the maps added in the map-queue.
* Fixed: Error with the player-health in multiplayer-mode.
* Fixed: Standing corpses when connecting to the game.
* Fixed: The drag&drop-function in the inventory-screen.
* Updated: Game version.
* Added: Country detection in the auto-patch-system.
* Fixed: Crash when using the numpad.
* Fixed: Crash when taking a screenshot while saving the game.
* Added: Support for mice with additional buttons.
* Fixed: Crash in the "military warehouse" area.
* Fixed: AI Spawnpoints close to the player.
* Improved: A-Life system. NPCs will respawn and move slower.

Yes thats it.

:eek: What happened to the Dual Core support that adds better performance????
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