**The Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow Of Chernobyl Thread**

Dutch Guy said:
Ah, I must be very close then as the scientist just gave me a PSI helmet and sent me on the way to X16, do you get it after that part?
I bought it from him :p

First time I went to him he didn't have it, but I came back later (before doing X16 though) and he had it.
Other languages eh, good - I know it's set in 'chernobblefalloff' and everything but all that russian background speaking is getting on my nerves, what is a 'chicky bricket' anyway?
neo202020 said:
Below you in the underground car park. :)

dont worry u get a really good suit of armor just before u go into the power plant area

i prefer the GP-37 but the Vintar BC is better if u do a lot of sneaking and has better range than the GP-37
neo202020 said:
Yeah, that green crap is worse than total darkness. ;)
It is if your trying to aim at someone in the distance!
For getting around its not too bad.

I'm playing through the game a second time at the moment with the trader mod so I can actually but decent stuff all the way through the game. So many weapons I never saw ingame!

The special viper that takes normal 18mm ammo is so damn usefull! Got it with a silencer, nice and usefull on weaker enemys in small areas, and ammo is never a problem.
Weapon of choice up to about an hour ago was the Fast Shooting AK, but got a TRS301 with Nade, silencer and scope addons. Gotta love it ;)
Bought this the other day and I got round to playing it for a bit today. Its a pretty good game and I am enjoying it. I was in some tunnel system when a tentacle faced mutant with predator camo snuck up and scared the living crap out of me. :eek:
Hunders said:
Bought this the other day and I got round to playing it for a bit today. Its a pretty good game and I am enjoying it. I was in some tunnel system when a tentacle faced mutant with predator camo snuck up and scared the living crap out of me. :eek:

Hehe, same thing happened to me except I could actually hear it breathing for what seemed like the longest gaming moment ever; I actually hid inside one of those concrete pipes for a good minute or so! :eek: :o
PinkFloyd said:
I'm playing through the game a second time at the moment with the trader mod so I can actually but decent stuff all the way through the game. So many weapons I never saw ingame!

i'm on my second play through, this time i too installed the trader mod and also the repair mod, it makes the game feel a bit more complete, its feels like thats the way it was meant to be played, gives a purpose to the economic system in the game.
with the improved economic system after patch the trader mod dosnt unbalance the game as i thought it would, weapons armour and ammo are NOT cheap, yet they are very appropriately priced.
2nd patch update from the GSC forums.

It seems that the main change in the second patch is removal of all potentially copyrighted material from the game. This then explains why "testing" took so long - THQ went through the textures looking for trademarks.

The Russian release of the second patch has revealed several widespread and noticeable errors. Seeing that Spanish cannot possibly be so hard that it would take four days to translate the readme into it, it would be reasonable to conclude that the patch is being fixed once again, due to lack of real testing.

Oh dear, so they did use copyrighted material afterall, shame on them.
The patch 2 removes copyright stuff, doesn't fix performance or crashes ... grrr do these guys work for nvidia driver team too ? (joke).
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