Well I'm guessing that Samsung are making the screens for these, and I was a little surprised that they haven't quite managed to outdo Apple in this department, but I guess that there is more to a screen than just resolution... I haven't seen an AMOLED screen yet myself, so I'll be interested to see if they live up to the hype.You also have to remember you have a 4.3 inch screen with 480x800 and a 3.5 on the iphone 4 with 640x960 so the difference is big in things being pin sharp,the I4's display really is a joy to use and doesn't suffer like the Desire HD with things looking washed out and poor viewing angles.
SAMOLED and the iP4 display are even to be honest, you can argue which is better all you like (as many people do) but both are very good, and both are better than LCD.
It depends entirely on what you use the phone for mainly as to which would benefit you more.
(and to be anal... the iP4's screen is a type of LCD)
but but but
I love the Retina display I have never seen things look so pin sharp, it is a shame these new phones don't crank the resolution up abit.