I've installed Handcent SMS, however, I'm a bit confused as to how I replace the "Messaging" icon with it down the bottom? I disabled notifications on standard messaging options but am a bit unsure how to finish setting everything up? Any chance of helping the noob?
Also, does Handcent make the SMS Popup app redundant?
Yes I am, whenever anything accesses the still camera (even barcode scanners etc)...
im on there, not getting anywhere, possible be that im using a HTC cable and not the samsung one?
Seems quite a few on xda getting it too, mine made the same noise although for a little longer when installing the camera firmware too.
Have you tried running Odin as admin, might be worth trying anything at this point.
Eventually got mine on Wed in local o2 store. I went for a Business contract on their recommendation - £30pm + £50 = 500mins, unlimited texts, unlimited o2 to o2, replacement phone, free calls to 10 favourite landlines.
Very impressed with the device, my first smart phone, although still finding my way around it
could have questions though:
It is essential to try to install that firmware update through kies? I'm afraid of screwing the phone up
Screen protectors - what to buy? Some on ebay cost a few quid whereas on proper mobiles sites, some are over a tenner. Is there really that much of a difference? Any recommendations?
will have to wait till i get home for that, is there a separate cable in the box or do i need to split the charger one? i can't recall.
IT WAS THE FRIGGING CABLE!!! arrghghg first time and its working
IT WAS THE FRIGGING CABLE!!! arrghghg first time and its working
Here's an XDA thread on people with the com.android.phone crash after the latest firmware update - glad I'm not the only one now! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1077027
Good stuff mate glad it was something simple guess thats a lesson for all of us then.
Looks like Orange are sabotaging the phone because they are jealous!