****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Hello friends!

Today I was on a photo assignment after which I wandered around town at the phone shops. Nipped into CPW to look at their cases only to walk out lolling at the prices (£25 for a piece of plastic from Case-Mate...).

I chatted with the guy who served me as I was checking out how the various cases felt on my phone, he seemed to know less about phones than me to the point where he said I should work there ¬_¬

Anyway, I checked out the Samsung official case and was surprised the GS I version was £14.99 compared to the £9.95 of the GS II one. I tried it out and liked it a lot, compared to other cases I bought online (Desire included) the Samsung one kept the expensive look and feel of the phone and also kept the slimness of the phone too so I bought it.

I know I've ordered this one already so when it arrives I will compare both but I will likely end up using that as my dash mount or if the holder I bought is actually good then will give it away on here because I'm awesome like that :p

Previous pics online stores of the official case don't give the impression of it looking as expensive as it does in person so hopefully my pics will help change that :)

The material is plastic/rubberised but it's not as rubbery as other cases, it won't show finger greasy marks like others and appears to be black inside and out so chips/scrapes won't show the undercoat which is good news as my Desire case had white showing on every edge!

I like the drilled look too, I don't think it's to help heat escape but more a design feature and does help grip too.
It also provides a bit of a lip on the front so if the phone is placed face down then the screen is protected from surface contact.








Well worth the <£10 asking price!

I hear they're a bit cheaper on eBay too.

Went in P4U near me and they wanted £19.99 for it so ended up ordering from the link I was given on here from ebay for £9.
I had a similar case for my Sgs and after sometime the rubbery coating would start to peel leaving bare ugly plastic exposed.
The supplied charger has a lower current than most usb chargers for some reason. My desire charger fills the phone much quicker.

I never realised this actually as I've been using my Logitech wireless mouse charge block as it has a USB port.

Turns out:

Stock Samsung AC (fixed) charger = 5v // 0.7A
Logitech AC (USB) charger = 5.15v // 1A
HTC Desire stock AC (USB) charger = 5v // 1A

the Samsung charger actually has a high enough charging capacity it's just that the SGS2 draws less amps than the desire.
will the cases work with good quality car mounts that are made for the samsung? i don't fancy taking off the case and swiching to the car mount a few times i day i know i'll just end up not using the case for general use if so.
Hi guys, completely new to android.

How do you change everything from the background like clocks, fonts etc? I've seen most people on here with different desktops and such and mine is still bloody standard! How do I change it?
Hi guys, completely new to android.

How do you change everything from the background like clocks, fonts etc? I've seen most people on here with different desktops and such and mine is still bloody standard! How do I change it?

long press the homescreen with 1 finger and you'll get info popping up about what you can change. also try the menu button it'll give you options for whatever you're at so if you get stuck trying clicking the menu key
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