I've managed to replicated it a couple of times now, but it doesn't seem consistent. I will admit though the music app is a little buggy. 3rd party player of choice for me is PlayerPro...
I got one of those Mofi pouches and was horrified to find that I can't physically touch it without feeling ill. That material makes me cringe and sends shivers down my spine.
Haha really? I guess I'm just insensitive - just feels like normal materiel to me.It's the kind of material that feels like it's wet or damp but isn't, feels weird man. Weeiiiird!
lol..same got a black one to cover it for a short term, but that weird ass material if god awful in the hand. Its like some polyester thats reserved for the asian marketsI got one of those Mofi pouches and was horrified to find that I can't physically touch it without feeling ill. That material makes me cringe and sends shivers down my spine.
Just a quick one guys, my wifi-sharing has appeared again draining my battery. So I'm going to do as suggested and Root then freeze with Titanium backup pro.
Never rooted a phone before so just wanted to make sure that this the thread that I need.... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1075278 ?
Looks like I've got some reading up to do later :/
...Anyone know of a browser that actually has a 'back' option.
Using Dolphin HD at the moment, seems fine apart from no 'back' button.