there is a audio file or 2 to delete to get rid of the O2 boot sound.
Just done my first rootflashed my O2 branded KE2 firmware to unbranded KE7 rooted.
Went in this order and it worked fine.
Use odin in download mode to flash unsecure kernal.
Enabled USB debugging and rooted with superoneclick 1.9.
Use odin in download mode to flash Generic KE7.
Use odin in download mode to flash unsecure kernal.
Root with superoneclick.
Use odin in download mode to flash KE7 stock kernal.
Didnt lose any settings doing all of the above and O2 screens are now stock samsung ones. Im not sure if i needed to root it on O2 KE2 to install the generic KE7 but i did and it worked fine.
What files are these?
Just done my first rootflashed my O2 branded KE2 firmware to unbranded KE7 rooted.
Went in this order and it worked fine.
Use odin in download mode to flash unsecure kernal.
Enabled USB debugging and rooted with superoneclick 1.9.
Use odin in download mode to flash Generic KE7.
Use odin in download mode to flash unsecure kernal.
Root with superoneclick.
Use odin in download mode to flash KE7 stock kernal.
Didnt lose any settings doing all of the above and O2 screens are now stock samsung ones. Im not sure if i needed to root it on O2 KE2 to install the generic KE7 but i did and it worked fine.
What files are these?
How long did it take? The KE7 firmware file is 310 MB!
I've rooted the device and am on O2 KE2, can I get away with upgrading the firmware through Kies when it becomes available?
KE2 wouldn't work with Kies for me but KE7 was done in about 1min
Has anybody got THIS car holder? Any good?
I can't wait another 2-3 weeks for official one to come out.
Where are people getting their official mesh cases from. I asked in cpw and they denied selling them
i have ke7 firmware, just rooted following xda guide. all worked fine and have root access. however.... I get a yellow triangle on boot? what does that mean? and do i need to reflash anything else?
Where are people getting their official mesh cases from. I asked in cpw and they denied selling them
eBay and phones4u
I bought one of them, its it's ok, it kind of expands to the point of feeling like u'd break the thing for a smartphone this size, so it's not perfect, but it holds it tightly
Where are people getting their official mesh cases from. I asked in cpw and they denied selling them
hmm decisions decisions... Would like the official one, but I think it will be available from mid- june![]()
I'd prefer the official one, but as it says it's a very good fit, I doubt it will work with a case, and I don't want to be taking the case off for it... This one stretches to the right size so it will work with any phone, when I first got it earlier today I thought it was rubbish cos it looked way too small, and I almost binned it, but I gave it another go just now, and actually read the instructions on the boxseems ok now I know it's supposed to stretch, only difficulty is getting it out of the holder as it grips quite tight, I'll test it in the car tomorrow I think.
Only thing left I'm waiting for now, is the Martin Fields Screen Protector!
It just shows you are running an insecure kernel. Just flash the kernel for KE7 over the top (you won't lose the root). It is available here: