****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

can you give it a good try and let us know what you think of it in the car icebaby? i've got 2 vehicles so this'll likely go in the van and doesn't need to look fancy however it does need to hold the phone well with a case on so would really appreciate your thoughts before i click buy.

after that then i just need to decide if the official case is the best (it appears so?) and a good desk dock for this
can you give it a good try and let us know what you think of it in the car icebaby? i've got 2 vehicles so this'll likely go in the van and doesn't need to look fancy however it does need to hold the phone well with a case on so would really appreciate your thoughts before i click buy.

after that then i just need to decide if the official case is the best (it appears so?) and a good desk dock for this

I will give it good go and report back :-) in terms of dock the one on mobile fun does work the problem again. is with a case its too small which is really annoying even though the genuine case is the smallest one going the extra couple of mm is too much :-(
Ok had a quick play with mine on Saturday found the battery to be insane for a big screen phone.
Liked the HTC way of doing things much better but after using the G2 for a while it kinder grew on me and now I like it.:D
The HTC had a very crisp high treble that used to hurt my ear drums if someone spoke too loud - the G2 sounds perfect in my ear no more pain in my ear drums.

The HTC (Desire) had no bass and no equalizer, mostly very high crisp treble sound and the loud speaker was not loud at all- the G2 comes with an equaliser and the loud speaker is what it says loud!!:eek:

Another thing that the HTC did that i found a tad odd was that the phone numbers in the details section were very tiny - with the G2 I can see them very clearly.

One thing I need is a good weather app - free of course:D the HTC version is a lot better than the G2 version that cant even find my location in bucks !!!!
I have had a look in the market place but i would like some recommendations please and it must be able to see ALL countries in the world and be able to forecast a few days into the week as the G2 is unable to do either:confused:.

One last note the clock is unable to find other countries that my HTC used to find with ease could someone recommend me a free app for this as well and yes I have been to the market place but user experience is vital to me.

i have heard people saying that when the battery is charged it sends out an alarm mines does not do that so im happy.

Oh and i like that fact that in the alarm function you can choose the sound of a ****, so without sounding a bit strange , i have a **** waking me up in the morining - oh er misses:p
hey guys

I plugged me gs2 in and kies loaded up and said there was a new firmware...so I backed up and set it off....there was a few downloading boxes appeared and then the phone has gone to a blackscreen with a android robot and "downloading, do not turn off target", which its been on for over 15mins and kies reckons its lost connection to the phone and I should restart!

I hope it hasnt buggered up

30mins now...

think im going to have to turn it off and pray....
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hey guys

I plugged me gs2 in and kies loaded up and said there was a new firmware...so I backed up and set it off....there was a few downloading boxes appeared and then the phone has gone to a blackscreen with a android robot and "downloading, do not turn off target", which its been on for over 15mins and kies reckons its lost connection to the phone and I should restart!

I hope it hasnt buggered up

30mins now...

think im going to have to turn it off and pray....

Disconnect and take the battery out, you won't be able to switch it off. That's what I had to do couple of times when Kies played on me. 2 updates I tried through Kies, did not manage even one. Now third one is out, I'll wait for O2 firmware to appear so I can use Odin to flash it
hey guys

I plugged me gs2 in and kies loaded up and said there was a new firmware...so I backed up and set it off....there was a few downloading boxes appeared and then the phone has gone to a blackscreen with a android robot and "downloading, do not turn off target", which its been on for over 15mins and kies reckons its lost connection to the phone and I should restart!

I hope it hasnt buggered up

30mins now...

think im going to have to turn it off and pray....

Download firmware of XDA and use Odin far easier and reliable than Kies!
thanks doods...I reset it and its come back on as if nothing happened...I was looking through the settings and found the wireless update option and that comes back with "no update available"

but i'll have a look through the xda thing then...
ok, it's coming on tuesday :D tmobile have them in stock now at head office.

upgrading 13 months into 18 month contract, £60 for early upgrade fee as such or for the phone, whatever way you look at it, £30 a month 24 month contract.

Ill be able to put friends and family onto this straight away, meaning it'll be £15 a month. So £15x24+£60=£420. Not bad, upgrading 66% of the way through a contract and getting the total contract prcie to be cheaper than buying sim free is all good with me :D And im paying £25 a month atm, so in the remaining 5 months i will have made back the money bar a tenner that it cost to upgrade. Brilliant.
How do I change the size of the weather widget? I managed to do it by accident once but can't remember how I did it!

Help me out chaps :D
I've had a good look at one in my local CPW, looks way too pimp, I much prefer the black one :p

I can imagine how it will look after a few weeks, the gloss will be cobwebbed to death and it will look like the back of an iPod/iPhone 3G(S) that's a year old, although much worse as it's plastic and not metal so can't be Brasso polished to a shine again!
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Just seen KE7 released. I recently flashed and update my firmware to KE2 using Odin.

Do I simply just update the phone to KE7 and the stock KE7 kernal? Or do I leave my insecure Kernal?
Just seen KE7 released. I recently flashed and update my firmware to KE2 using Odin.

Do I simply just update the phone to KE7 and the stock KE7 kernal? Or do I leave my insecure Kernal?

Just update KE7 and be done if you don't require root otherwise insecure after KE7 thenr oot and then flash stock ke7 kernel back.
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