****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Hey guys.I'm giving handcent a go.think its pretty nifty.only thing thats result bugging me is still receiving messages thoughthe default messaging app.
How do I disable this.in fact, how do I permanently disable any app.forcing stop only seems to work temporarily

If you using another messaging program just disable notifications in the standard one and you won't hear it.
what does it even mean, silent release? it's on their website...


It is on their website, but it's not announced anywhere on their main pages. I also subscribed to be notified by email when it was released, and I was told I would get a call from their sales guys when it was released. I've had nothing for either.

Hasn't even appeared on any of my RSS feeds so I don't think many other people are aware it is out on T-Mobile.
Has anyone got this on voda yet? What upgrade deals are you getting?
Their online shop is out of stock. I just upgraded three months early, 12 month contract, keeping my current deal and paid just over £100 for the phone. Sadly, they emailed me last night and told me it would be 2-4 weeks before they have new handsets. I have sent them a good moan - we'll see how they respond :D
Their online shop is out of stock. I just upgraded three months early, 12 month contract, keeping my current deal and paid just over £100 for the phone. Sadly, they emailed me last night and told me it would be 2-4 weeks before they have new handsets. I have sent them a good moan - we'll see how they respond :D

Damn :(
not bad at all!


Did you have to fight much to get that? If I remember I put up a good fight to get my last contract from them.

Yep, I'd already cancelled a pre-order with Vodafone as they were taking so long to bring out the handset. I asked for my PAC at the same time, then a couple of days later got a call from retentions and they offered me that deal.

I know it's obvious, but it's worth requesting your PAC and waiting a couple of days for a callback from someone in the retentions team. They'll offer existing customers far better deals than those available via a straight upgrade.
New Galaxy S II arrived from Vodafone - no Pirates of the Caribbean pack though

Ring them back they tried that with mesaying that they know nothing about the offer and saying that it was an online deal only what a load of rubbish.
I told the gimp that it is on the web site he said he cannot see it:confused:
his manager said he knew nothing of the offer:confused:
It is on the web site no sign of "online offer only" if you walk into a VF shop its in their mag and plastered all over the wall. I got the guy to give me a £30 credit:D
The first AOSP ROM is now out to test, it is a proof of concept so expect features to be enabled over the next few weeks I guess :p

I'm waiting for CM7 :D
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