****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Tried a Galaxy S2 in the shop today. It is not that thin! I was expecting a lot thinner from what people said! It would have been a perfect size for most people with a 4inch screen in my opinion.

It really is thin. The size makes it appear thinner, certainly, but it's still extremely thin nonetheless. Were you expecting it to be like paper or something? I can't see how they could have made it much thinner to be honest.
Tried a Galaxy S2 in the shop today. It is not that thin! I was expecting a lot thinner from what people said! It would have been a perfect size for most people with a 4inch screen in my opinion.

LOL its the thinnest phone you can buy and unlikely it will get beaten on size as the LED screen has a lot to do with it being able to be so thin.

This came today but don't think I will open the pack will flog it as I going to keep using the official one.


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didn't think it was that funny of a thing to say as tbh it's not that thin. it's thin compared to fat phones but imo it's what i'd expect a phone to be like for today's standard so normal and not a thin phone. that probably doesn't make sense so i'll try and re phrase it. from what i'd have thought was achievable at the moment this isn't as thin. i was expecting about a 3rd thinner from people's comments. it's perhaps thin for the power it's go inside it, but it's not what i'd call a thin phone.
Its more or less the thinnest phone out, and it is very thin. If you wear ridiculous looking skimpy jeans and prance about in them, thats your problem.
That video's more a test of different browser rendering methods rather than hardware. Swap them around and the HTC would be 'smooth' and SGS2 'jerky'. :)

The smoothness shown in that browser extends to everything that the SGS2 does. I have not seen Android run smoother on any other phone.
Yeah Samsung has GPU accelerated a lot of the OS.

My Nillkin case didn't come today but the car dash mount did, arse badgers!

Maybe tomorrow?


Anyway, the dash mount is OK, the phone mount itself is good but the suction mount/clamp isn't that good, it is screw in suction type like TomToms and works itself loose when going over rough road or if you have sports suspension then it will work loose after a few miles as I found.

I will be modding it into my own DIY mount as nothing has yet to better my own mount for rigidity and compactness.

Pic of it so others can avoid this unless you want to mod it too :p
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Agree with the above poster. All phones should be at least this thin by now. Also when people say they don't mind a thick phone, not everyone wears baggy tracksuits or has thin thighs!

True and if people want to feel the thinkness of a phone in their hands....buy a thick phone case:D You can buy loads of bulky cases out there.
The future will be carbon fibre etc for sure! Phone will be able to get thinner. I really would like to see what happens to the galaxy line in 2-3 years!

Anyway, this phone is brilliant. It can manage most things someone with a netbook/tablet can achieve and make calls. The important samsung add on's such as codecs are very useful. I tried an ipad 2 today and noticed the Galaxy S2 was loading things faster and had less checkeboard effect when quickly scrolling around.

I assume that the galaxy line will be a yearly release at MWC?
T-mobile speed cap, any ammo against this, just been on the phone for 45 minutes to numerous 'technical' people who insist that there is no speed cap! Also tell my that there is now only 1 mobile internet package anyway, so i cant even change to a higher one!

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