What bugs? everything that's an issue can be software resolved (or has been via the devs).
The NFC model is not as thin as the current model either! Plus., why would NFC drain the battery? It's not constantly running in the background.
Well I charged my phone this morning and now at 3.50 I have 9% leftbut I did hammer the GPS for like 4 hours. But should the GPS usage show up on the batter status page? As it hasn't on mine.
I have also turned off the hubs etc so not sure whats drained it so much. Also I keep seeing when I go into Advanced Task Manager that the BBC Iplayer app keeps appearing even after I stop it, anyone know why?
In Wifi is anybody seeing any speed above 65Mbps?
who uses widget locker?
how do you get into the options, im having trouble getting to grips with it
there is? details?
you have to load the app from the app drawer or wherever your shortcut is to get the options. You cant do it from the lockscreen itself![]()
just noticed theres a new firmware update any one know what its for?
KE7 still the latest for me.
just noticed theres a new firmware update any one know what its for?
Took phone off charge this morning at 7am, wi-fi / bluetooth / sync / push all permanently on. Made & received numerous calls, texts, e-mails, browsing and general messing about on it for the day....... 65% charge when I've just plugged it in.
My old HTC desire would have packed up around 2 hours ago, this thing is insane.
Took phone off charge this morning at 7am, wi-fi / bluetooth / sync / push all permanently on. Made & received numerous calls, texts, e-mails, browsing and general messing about on it for the day....... 65% charge when I've just plugged it in.
My old HTC desire would have packed up around 2 hours ago, this thing is insane.
Charging now made 22 hours on the last charge.
I just bought new router - Netgear N600 WNDR3700 (to solve SGS2 low signal problems when in different room from AP) which according to reviews should be able to do ~130Mbps (when set to 5GHz and 300mbps), However when paired with SGS2 best reported speed is 65 mbps and effectively the highest achieved speed via netspeed or kies air (file copying) is only ~ 32mbps or ~ 4MB/s. That is regardless of selected channel or 2.4GHz vs. 5GHz or encryption, with few cms from router (at excellent signal strength) etc. Clearly SGS2 is the bottleneck here - sadly not even able to saturate my internet connection with this phone http://oi51.tinypic.com/2zqyi5d.jpg - feels like I wasted money on that router as any cheap 30€ one would perform equally as well. Now eager to test my new 16GB micro SD class 10 card - hopefully SGS2 will do better here than in handling wifi.
If you turn the mobile off the alarm won't sound in the morning. Is there any way of sorting this out - I'd quite like it switched off while I am asleep to save the charge.
5GHz had major problems with (concrete) walls so I am at 2.4GHz. Here the signal strength / measured speed is clearly better than with my old d-link (at the same distance) however still the problem of (concrete) walls and distance is quite a major one. I just put the new router to room where I spent most of the time and kept old router where it was - having 2 routers seems to be the only way how to maintain decent signal for SGS2 in different rooms. I haven't tested with distance of 10m with clear sight at the router, but less than 10m with walls / obstacles and the speed drops fairly quickly.So I've got the same router and have experienced a simliar problem, but guess it the phone maxing out at 65Mbps. What I'd be interested to know is how you get on with the range of it. 5Ghz drops of quite quickly, as expected, but the 2.4Ghz doesn't do much better. Under 10 meters from the router I'm down to poor signal and the connection speed drops off a cliff, not unusual to see it down as low as 2 or even 1 Mbps. The router with DD-WRT on it shows the transmit speed for the device and its dragging the whole of the 2.4Ghz band down speed wise.
You see this is what I want to hear, as I've been following this thread and a lot of the posts are related to poor battery performance and apps seemingly running and killing the battery for no reason.
What ROM version you two running?