****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Power menu is available from the lockscreen anyway!

hmmm pull down quickpanel for torch or hold down power button hmmmm :p

All I like in the power menu is Shutdown, Restart, Recovery & Download :D

I can get to the torch from the lockscreen also! :p

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Depends on how you configure it tbh. This is the Octo lockscreen so 8 configurable shortcuts are available with 360 degree rotation :p
Depends on how often you use the torch.....

When docked to the car it's all too easy to accidentally activate the torch if you're driving or whatever.

Obviously doesn't apply to yourself^^

Hence why it depends on what you prefer based on usage.

I have mine set out logically. Essentials on the lock screen, system toggles on the quick panel and secondary items on power menu.
Depends on how often you use the torch.....

When docked to the car it's all too easy to accidentally activate the torch if you're driving or whatever.

Obviously doesn't apply to yourself^^

Hence why it depends on what you prefer based on usage.

I have mine set out logically. Essentials on the lock screen, system toggles on the quick panel and secondary items on power menu.

Yeah that makes sense, But still not a pffft moment! :p

I basically have camera/unlock on the lock screen, then those toggles in the picture above. Then the power menu is as I said in the earlier post.

That is the beauty about Android you can fit it to any style you like! This is my first Android phone but damn I love it wish I had one sooner! :D
Same as me then! Got 3.2 and i like it the most!

I just flashed this ROM too and I am quite impressed. Finally a ROM where everything looks slick by default! Now let's hope battery life is satisfactory on this one. Only thing is it doesn't seem to restore any of my apps? Anyone else with the same issue?
Hydrogenics is working great for me. LPS modem too. Battery drain seems very good as well.

80% after 5hrs 20mins, that's with 1hr10mins screen on time. Hydro's kernel seems to utilise Speed ranges in 100MHz increments too unlike others which use 200MHz, looking at CPUSpy I can see that deep sleep is working and the used speeds scale from 200 to 1200 nicely too.

I did set governor to On Demand from lulzactive.

I've got to admit, I've found the opposite. The latest 02.04 version is killing my battery, only got about 12hours out of it today with just under 3hours screen time. I couldn't undervolt it as every time I did no matter how little I undervolted it always seemed to freeze. Swapped to Siyah RC2 Kernel, gonna give that ago undervolted and see how that turns out. No problems yet.
Dunno what you're doing wrong pulse, but my battery is excellent :p

Hmmm, that upsets me a lot! You using any task managers or anything? Undervolted or custom cpu min/max?

Edit: Anything else that I should do when flashing from a different rom? I did factory wipe, dalvik, cache and format system, is there any folders on my SD the phone may use (e.g. Some sort of data folder?)
I just flashed this ROM too and I am quite impressed. Finally a ROM where everything looks slick by default! Now let's hope battery life is satisfactory on this one. Only thing is it doesn't seem to restore any of my apps? Anyone else with the same issue?

Is that with titaniumbackup? If so it worked fine for me after enabling the mock?! Apps
Is that with titaniumbackup? If so it worked fine for me after enabling the mock?! Apps

No, I haven't used Titanium yet and probably won't. I meant the way Google automatically restores your apps from the cloud. Works flawlessly in CM9, but not on this Sensation ROM. No big deal and it's probably better this way as I had a load of rubbish apps anyway. Installing from Market, uhm, Play Store goes very quickly.
I have to say I am quite impressed with this ROM. It just feels and looks so much more polished than others. The scrolling is also smooth, which is a big bonus for me as that is the one thing that really should never have been an issue on any ICS ROM in the first place (but which is clearly an issue for many people).
No, I haven't used Titanium yet and probably won't. I meant the way Google automatically restores your apps from the cloud. Works flawlessly in CM9, but not on this Sensation ROM. No big deal and it's probably better this way as I had a load of rubbish apps anyway. Installing from Market, uhm, Play Store goes very quickly.
I have to say I am quite impressed with this ROM. It just feels and looks so much more polished than others. The scrolling is also smooth, which is a big bonus for me as that is the one thing that really should never have been an issue on any ICS ROM in the first place (but which is clearly an issue for many people).

yeah i will keep it tbh! :) doesn't have much over checkrom but just so i feel good inside that i have finally upgraded to ics lol.
You don't need to manually enter APN settings, just reboot after first boot and APNs will auto add.

Also, here's my battery performance having had a full day on HydrogenICS now:

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