****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

I did a few tests with different modems just now, all from the same location around the same time using the same server.
I took the best result from 3 tests each.

Modem XXLPR (from o2 UK)

Modem XXLPS (from some other UK network IIRC)

Modem DXLP7 (EU modem)

Modem NELP2 (3 UK)

I have a feeling that while LPR and LPS are fast, they drain more battery having used them over a few days in the past.
NELP2 seems to be the choice for battery/speed on the 3 network. I noticed that only on NELP2 that the 3G and H symbol switch between each other as I use data services, none of the other modems switched between 3G and HSDPA, like as if it was always in HSDPA mode.

NELP2 also had the best average of all 3 tests getting 9Mbps, 9Mbps and 11Mbps respectively for download.

I suppose that's to be expected since NELP2 is a 3 network optimised modem anyway.

The tests using speedtest.net app above consumed 193MB of data combined according to ICS!!

I'm on HydrogenICS ROM (31.3.2012 release) and with Siyah 3.1rc2 kernel with default CPU profile.
Weird, i might throw hydrogenICS back on and see if I get the same thing occuring
Nevertheless thanks for checking!
No complaints here :p Best £10/month ever!

No issues in Whatsapp for me!

Very lucky!


This is my usual it is normally like that at any time of the day though, But i've never seen higher than 5800kbps.

Can't complain though really it isn't exactly slow for a mobile device heh. Tried many modems those results there are from NELP2 :)
Do you really need anything faster than that anyway? Unless you don't have access to Wi-Fi at home/work/uni, use various streaming services and like downloading very large files I can't see why I would be disappointed with 4 Mbit (not saying you are, just conversation).
Do you really need anything faster than that anyway? Unless you don't have access to Wi-Fi at home/work/uni, use various streaming services and like downloading very large files I can't see why I would be disappointed with 4 Mbit (not saying you are, just conversation).

Not really disappointed to be fair, Most places I go I can get wifi, Even more so now Sky have released the Sky Cloud app.

It would just be nice to be able to see those speeds that mrk has :p I feel jealous haha.

It handles Sky Go/Audiogalaxy streaming just fine though :)
lol.. wanna see my orange speeds? in north london...?! enjoy.. LPS modem... couldn't be happier ;D and this is a good day.. normally i see 400-600 kbps..

Not really disappointed to be fair, Most places I go I can get wifi, Even more so now Sky have released the Sky Cloud app.

It would just be nice to be able to see those speeds that mrk has :p I feel jealous haha.

It handles Sky Go/Audiogalaxy streaming just fine though :)

I want Sky Go to work damn it, none of the test builds work on my phone (CM9). Luckily my PC is close for FP3, so the FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU is low at the moment! Stupid Sky.
I'm on Resurrection Remix ics v1.3, so far so good.

Okay maybe not. Despite following the instructions and patching with the GAPPS update, battery life is appalling due to the Android phone application keeping the phone awake constantly and I can't seem to get a GPS lock. Halp.

I know what's doing it, I want to stop it.

Sorted it with a full wipe of everything, seems much better now. Went down 5% in 8 hours overnight, seems to drain with usage a bit quicker.
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I want Sky Go to work damn it, none of the test builds work on my phone (CM9). Luckily my PC is close for FP3, so the FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU is low at the moment! Stupid Sky.

One of the reasons I don't use CM9/aokp/d4 :(

When Hydrogenics was at version 1.2 it used to work with the test 0.1.2 apk but now it doesn't work at all, I've tried editing the build prop to see if that makes any difference but had no luck :/

grudas Orange suck!
I'm sticking to the 31st March release of Hydrogenics, that and Siyah kernel 3.1rc2 are giving me amazing battery life and performance. I also really like the latest Touch CWM recovery and the CWM app support :p

Very lucky!


This is my usual it is normally like that at any time of the day though, But i've never seen higher than 5800kbps.

Can't complain though really it isn't exactly slow for a mobile device heh. Tried many modems those results there are from NELP2 :)

Aye as long as it works but I'm more surprised at the epic bang for buck I'm getting having been on Vodafone for many years now and been happy at the stable 3G/HSDPA but nowhere near as fast or as cheap as I am getting with 3 now and on a contract term that's half the period too.

Even during the daytime it's fast:


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Don't think I have ever had a result that good mrk. 7mbps is my highest. I'll try it again at work Monday and nelp2 as that's where I get best reception.
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