****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

I don't really use the stock browser (I use Opera) so I doubt that that is it, but how did you stock the browser running?

You mean how did I stop it?

It seems that just by removing it from the recently used list (long-press home) prevents a lot of idle battery drain for me. Like I said though I'm used to having the browser in the background almost all the time. It's not too much of an issue though as the next time I load it up it remembers the url it was on and reloads the page.

I've been using hydrogenics since early march and have never done a full wipe before updating, not given me any issues so far.

Cheers for that, I'll just update it then. Heard a couple of weird tales of it being hotter etc without a wipe, which I must say I've experienced on another rom before now.
I don't really use the stock browser (I use Opera) so I doubt that that is it, but how did you stock the browser running?

What launcher do you use?

In GoLauncherEX you have a Running tab in the app drawer, makes locking/closing apps much easier.

Got to say - feels a lot quicker since I put stock ICS & Apex on.

Not 'omg it's like a new phone best thing ever' but definitely an improvement over GB.

Had Whatsapp crash twice on exit though.
On 3 Galaxy S II's, GO Launcher has not been as smooth as TW Launcher or now Apex, so I gave up on it - most of the customisations are fairly useless to me anyway.

I'm on the latest Hydrogen ICS and using Siyah RC5, and getting quite high Android OS usage. There are no random wakelocks reported by BBS, so not sure what the issue is.

Been getting that as well, on and off with the CM9 nightlies, not sure what is causing it. Battery almost drains faster when I'm not using it! :eek:
No problems here on smoothness. I've been using Apex and Nova for a while too and try each new version.
I tend to red reviews and try one out and then stick to it until another one based on the same principals comes out.
I upgraded to I9100XWLP7_I9100XENLP3_XEN last Friday, now unbranded is out if I just repeat the same steps (odin > PDA > Download Mode > Start) will everything I've set up remain the way it is or do need to wipe/reset etc or was that just because I was coming from GB?
Dont know if anyone has mentioned this, but, for anyone interested... stock CPW ICS has been released this morning. Woot!

I've heard that you need to do a factory reset on the phone, update then do another factory reset? What's the right way of doing it guys? Don't wanna naff me phone up! Cheers
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