****The Official Samsung Galaxy S II Thread***

Near Field communication, can't remember 100% what it does though.

Simplest explanation is you can program stickers like they have in library books that work with your phone, when you get in range it tells the phone what to do.

Useful for turning on bluetooth when you get in the car or wifi at home etc.

Tried reading a library tag at the weekend, works fine but sadly they are only programmable once. :D
Thanks - no problem accessing it from my phone (I use root explorer) but I cant access it from my computer (to copy movies / mp3's over)

When you connect your phone to you pc drop down the notification bar and click on the notice about it being connected. It should then give the option to turn on USB storage (or something to that effect). Your internal and external sd cards should then appear in windows.
ToI have this annoying thing where if I log into a website on my phone it shows me a saved username and when I press it it puts the name into the box but the popup keeps appearing with the username list..I have to press elsewhere to make it go away but does anyone know how to stop this happening in the first place?
When you connect your phone to you pc drop down the notification bar and click on the notice about it being connected. It should then give the option to turn on USB storage (or something to that effect). Your internal and external sd cards should then appear in windows.

Thanks - unfortuantely thats what I've already been doing but the sd card remains empety (though can browse internal phone storage fine).
I assume i dont have to have the sd card open in root explorer before connecting to the PC?
Leave GPS running using GPS Test with the screen timeout setting disabled in the app. Leave it for 20~ minutes if need be. The GPS configs train over time for the first time you run a GPS app.

Also, use this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1447599

This needs to be done once for the first time every time you flash a new ROM or update ROMs and after this point GPS lock will happen within seconds regardless of if you're inside or outside a building.

Should that file work for ICS? Getting an error in Cwm when I run it
Thanks - unfortuantely thats what I've already been doing but the sd card remains empety (though can browse internal phone storage fine).
I assume i dont have to have the sd card open in root explorer before connecting to the PC?

Go to system settings > storage > menu > usb connection settings and select mtp. Reconnect phone to pc and see it shows up as gt-I9100 in windows.
Enjoying the TouchWiz ICS UI, and no longer using Go Launcher. I quite like the new font that is used.
I don't like how T-Mobile have renamed the browser to "web'n'walk". It's confusing, as everyone is going to look for "Browser" and not find it. That was the case for me anyway!
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How can I see a list of purchased (not free) apps using this new google play ****?

You can't. In Google's infinite wisdom, they've decided its better you have to scroll through every paid and free app you've ever installed rather than being able to filter.

Whoever made that decision needs shooting.
Has anyone else had any issues with media playing since their ICS upgrade?

I used to be able to stream from my NAS to my S2 using MX Video Player but since the upgrade to ICS it barely starts, let alone is watchable!?!?! :confused:

For some reason I can still stream some content OK with MX Video (high-def stuff bizarrely) but for the bulk of it I'm having to use Rockplayer, which I'm not keen on!

Any advice welcome!
what's the most stable version around for ics? i'd like to be able to upgrade and not have to think about it again, so is it worth upgrading now to a stable custom version, going to the official one with tmobile, or waiting for a better customer version that's more stable?

also when i upgrade is there a way to keep all my texts? i've got many, using gosms pro, and i'd like to keep them as there is a few which mean a lot to me so can't lose them.
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