That's the GT-i9100P. It is slightly thicker than the GT-i9100 due to the NFC capability.
Ah right. What is the NFC capability?
That's the GT-i9100P. It is slightly thicker than the GT-i9100 due to the NFC capability.
Ah right. What is the NFC capability?
Near Field communication, can't remember 100% what it does though.
Thanks - no problem accessing it from my phone (I use root explorer) but I cant access it from my computer (to copy movies / mp3's over)
When you connect your phone to you pc drop down the notification bar and click on the notice about it being connected. It should then give the option to turn on USB storage (or something to that effect). Your internal and external sd cards should then appear in windows.
Leave GPS running using GPS Test with the screen timeout setting disabled in the app. Leave it for 20~ minutes if need be. The GPS configs train over time for the first time you run a GPS app.
Also, use this:
This needs to be done once for the first time every time you flash a new ROM or update ROMs and after this point GPS lock will happen within seconds regardless of if you're inside or outside a building.
Thanks - unfortuantely thats what I've already been doing but the sd card remains empety (though can browse internal phone storage fine).
I assume i dont have to have the sd card open in root explorer before connecting to the PC?
Go to system settings > storage > menu > usb connection settings and select mtp. Reconnect phone to pc and see it shows up as gt-I9100 in windows.
How can I see a list of purchased (not free) apps using this new google play ****?